I don’t have a lot of new updates on the Little Guy, but I he says so much these days and he is becoming such a little comedian, I just have to record some of his moments.
A recent conversation:
Me: Andrew, how do you spell your name? A….N…
A: Blue!
Me: No, blue’s not a letter! Silly! [Tickling him] How do you spell Andrew?
A: A…D…R… Blue!
He is learning to sing along to songs now, and in fact I can’t even sing him to sleep anymore because he sings along with me. My favorite is “Jesus Loves Me.”
When we sing Patty-Cake, he thinks it’s so funny to close his hands together like two little “o’s” (think “more” in sign language, although that’s not what he’s doing), and we tell him, “Silly, that’s not how you pat a cake!” He came up with this all on his own!
Note in this picture Nakey Boy put on his sister’s shoes, by himself.
In the bath he likes to put his little squirt toys on the edge of the tub. Then I’m supposed to get mad at the toy for getting out of the water, scold it, and toss it back in. He immediately puts it back up and looks at me to do it again.
His new favorite hiding place—in my kitchen cabinet. He loves to play peekaboo, and he’s actually much better than his sister—he can keep quiet so I really can’t find him!
He and Leah recently earned the nicknames “Pete” and “Repeat” at church because he will literally repeat the last word of every single thing she says. (I only took a picture of him brushing his teeth because he’s so cute when he’s fresh out of the tub & he tries to do big boy things like brush his own teeth.)
And now, the Andrew & Leah Show: