Friday, March 9, 2012

Springtime Fun

Since the weather has been so nice lately, we’ve been soaking up every opportunity to go outside and play. Unfortunately, we don’t have a nice fenced-in yard, and actually we’re on a major road, so I have to supervise carefully, but the kids can find plenty of things to do in our own backyard!
They love bubbles. Actually, Andrew doesn’t really know how to blow the bubbles, but he insists on carrying around the container like his sister. And since he inevitably spills it every time, I give him an empty one—and he doesn’t even know the difference.
They also love to play with pine cones. I had Leah go collect a certain number to bring to me, and then I’d throw them back out for her to get again. Of course, Andrew had to get in on the game too.
Andrew loves to ride his bicycle. He’s way better at it than Leah was at his age, and he’ll ride all the way around the house.

Their favorite activity is digging in the rocks. It makes me nervous because they have to sit close to the road, but they’re pretty good about not going out in the road, and the digging seems to be calming for them!
And sometimes, if we’re outside at the right time, the School Bus Driver Lady stops to talk to us. Andrew loves big buses!
And a fun video:

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