Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Andrew @ 10 months

- Andrew seems so much bigger every day-- I can hardly believe we're 2 months away from his one-year-old birthday! He is all boy now-- he loves making messes and getting dirty, getting into things he shouldn't, climbing all over things, and generally just being mischeivous. (I'm thinking his sister was like this at his age, too, though!) He prefers to stand up rather than sit. He is starting to cruise along furniture a lot more. He is starting to crawl some on his knees rather than just his belly. His favorite is to climb up on me when I'm sitting on the floor. He's rarely content to sit still. I can barely even rock him anymore at bedtime. He seems to be fussier lately and requires much more attention, but it could be because he's teething, or just requires more maintenance than I'm used to!

- The Little Monster has somehow become a horrible sleeper lately. He usually has to cry (scream) himself to sleep for about 20 minutes when I lay him down-- naptime & bedtime. Then he'll wake up 1 or 2 times a night and cry, and 45 minutes into naptime. We now have no other choice than to just let him cry it out, because even if we rock him back to sleep, as soon as we lay him down, he wakes back up and cries. So he is learning-- slowly, but surely-- how to put himself back to sleep. And it is getting better. At first, I think he was doing this because he would stand up in his crib and couldn't figure out how to get back down. Now, he knows how, but I'm pretty sure he's teething and in some pain (although I still have yet to see a single tooth pop in!!), which wakes him up, and he wants someone to hold him until he goes back to sleep. It's been tough, and Brett & I have both lost sleep, but we are determined to make him better at sleeping on his own!

Besides waking up, he will usually sleep from 7:30 or 8pm until about 6 am. He'll take a morning nap and an afternoon nap, but I never know how long they'll last-- anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

- He isn't too fond of baby food as much anymore, although he'll still eat a jar per meal. He loves to be able to feed himself. He's had meatloaf, macaroni & cheese (which he loved!), bread, mixed veggies, cheese, and scrambled eggs. Sometimes he'll just play with the food, picking it up and throwing it down (that is his favorite game lately-- with anything!), but generally he does get some in his mouth. He's still nursing about 4 or 5 times a day, but he's very efficient & usually done in less than 10 minutes. He just today figured out how to drink from his sippy cup (the same cheap ones Leah used at his age) so we're on our way to weaning!

- He loves to be sung to, especially the more "upbeat" rhymes we learn at Library Story Time. He always claps along. He also waves all the time, with his whole arm rather than just his hand.

(This is as good as you're gonna get for a 10 month picture-- he's too wiggly!)

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