I had just bought both kids a new bathing suit so I wanted to try them on before I lost the receipt, etc.-- that's why they're wearing them. Leah did not want to take hers' off (she kept calling it her underwear, and she asked to wear it again the next morning!). She kept pouting because she wanted to go to the beach or swimming pool.
They each got a cute little Certificate of Participation after they sang their song, and then they left to come sit with us. Leah was sooo upset that it was not a "usual" Puggles night, that she didn't get to go be with her friends anymore, so we had to take her out of the service and didn't really get to see any of the rest. She paused long enough for me to get one good shot of her.
And then, to make everything all better, we let her play on the playground a few minutes before we left. It was the only thing that could make her happy.
I will really miss the AWANA program at this church next year, but we will probably be doing our own at Newton Grove-- it won't be nearly as big, but I know we can do it well, and either way, Leah will have the opportunity to learn Scripture and be taught the truth from a very young age!
- He isn't too fond of baby food as much anymore, although he'll still eat a jar per meal. He loves to be able to feed himself. He's had meatloaf, macaroni & cheese (which he loved!), bread, mixed veggies, cheese, and scrambled eggs. Sometimes he'll just play with the food, picking it up and throwing it down (that is his favorite game lately-- with anything!), but generally he does get some in his mouth. He's still nursing about 4 or 5 times a day, but he's very efficient & usually done in less than 10 minutes. He just today figured out how to drink from his sippy cup (the same cheap ones Leah used at his age) so we're on our way to weaning!
- He loves to be sung to, especially the more "upbeat" rhymes we learn at Library Story Time. He always claps along. He also waves all the time, with his whole arm rather than just his hand.
Here it is, our future home!
And as if that wasn't enough of a surprise, today there was a party, too!! Sarah had made (and beautifully decorated, I might add) 2 cakes, and there was a huge spread of fruits, vegetables, cookies, etc. I was forced to wear a princess crown & wand (although it allowed me to get whatever I wished for all day). Even though not many people showed up, we still had fun-- and ate a lot of good food! It was such a great day!