Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Andrew @ 6 months

- He weighs 18 lbs. and is 27 inches tall, which is basically average for a baby his age. It seems his weight is slowing down a little now. He is mostly in 6-9 month clothes, some 3-6 month still. And he is just recently moving up to size 3 diapers. (Technically Leah could wear the same size!)

- He was sleeping through the night for a week or two (until about 4 or 5 am) but the past week or so he's been up once or twice a night again. Something's going to have to give soon-- I'm getting tired of this! (Unfortunately, even if I turn his monitor off, I can hear him crying through the vents in our room, since he is directly above us). His daytime nap schedule is starting to take shape, though-- 45 min. to an hour & a half at 10:30 or 11 and again at 1:30 or 2. He'll still fall asleep if we take a car ride of more than 15 minutes, though, and that can mess up his whole schedule! [I just looked back at Leah's 6 month post and it seems I was saying almost the exact same things about her at this age.]

- He sometimes fights sleep because he doesn't want to miss anything, but a minute or two in my "magic" rocking chair in his room, and a song or two, and he's gone!

- He's still nursing every 2 1/2- 4 hours during the day, and he has 1 or 2 meals of "solids" every day-- usually breakfast & dinner, sometimes just dinner. He has tried almost all the "1st" foods-- peas, squash, carrots, green beans, apples, peaches, and bananas. He actually seems to like the green vegetables best! I was thinking of trying to do some homemade foods like I did with Leah, but I just haven't had the time or motivation yet. The store-bought are just easier!

- He loves to play & sleep on his tummy now. (In fact, I start him at the bottom left side of his crib & when he gets up, he's in the top right-- and his paci is usually on the floor because he's stuck his arm through the crib slats and dropped it down there!) He still doesn't really roll over from his tummy to his back, but I think he could if he tried. He can sit up on his own for a few seconds at a time, but quickly tumbles over. He wants really badly to crawl-- he pushes his butt up in the air and scoots a little, but he just can't go. I can tell he really wants to be able to do much more than he can!

- He has learned to blow "raspberries" and likes to experiment with different sounds. When he smiles or laughs, he always sticks his little tongue out-- it's quite cute!

- He's in the "grabby" stage, where nothing in his reach is off limits! He will grab hair, plates, food, anything! And of course it all goes straight to the mouth. He has such a fierce determination when it comes to playing with his toys, or books. He examines them with such a gusto -- beating them against things and pushing them or tossing them! What a curious little boy!

- He's such a sweet, easygoing & laid back little boy. Everytime I pick him up from the nursery or wherever, all I hear is "He was such a good boy," and he doesn't require much attention, really-- he just goes with the flow! How blessed I am.

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