Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

What a fun weekend we had with Grandma & Grandpa for Thanksgiving! Andrew & Leah were both great little travelers on the 4-hour trip there. (They were not, however, great sleepers-- Leah didn't nap all weekend, Andrew was up about 4 or 5 times a night & both were ready for the day about 6:30am.) Andrew got his first beach experience (and he loves being outside!) and Leah actually didn't even think twice about walking on the sand this time (as opposed to just six short months ago when she wouldn't step foot on it)! She loved the beach! We had a great dinner and relaxing family time Thursday and then Friday we got to see Grandpa's "big truck" at the fire station! Of course Leah and Andrew both got in lots of snuggles and kisses from their grandparents.

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