Besides expecting a new baby soon, while watching another grow before my very eyes, lots of other things seem to be going down in our lives now, leaving us with much uncertainty and a lot of emotions. Brett's last Sunday as worship pastor at our church will be this Sunday. We have been here almost 2 1/2 years, and though it's been quite a journey, we have made a few friends along the way. The decision to resign was not an easy one, considering that this job provided over half our income, and he has nothing to fill it's place-- we will probably be hard-pressed to find another ministry position that will pay as well as this one.
But the decision was also necessary, as sometimes you reach a point in ministry when God is urging you to move on to other things. The past few months with our new pastor have been challenging and Brett has gone through some things no minister should really have to go through, especially in a job surrounded by others who profess to be Christians-- and ministers of the Gospel. I'd like to say our lives might be a little easier now that we are leaving, but I know that will not be the case, as unfortunately I know that a huge percentage of Christian churches face the same types of issues we are facing here. God gave us all a sinful nature and we all have fleshly desires that can sometimes cause other believers heartache. It is a sad thing that non-believers have to see that in churches, but it is just a constant reminder that we live in a fallen world and can only be saved by grace.
So we have been working on cutting our budget, hunting for jobs (and it is tricky for me, knowing that come July I won't be able to work for awhile, and even after that, childcare costs for 2 children would likely take my entire paycheck), and just clinging to each other and to our family and friends for support. I've never really liked not having a plan, but that's where we are now. We're making it today. We'll probably make it tomorrow and the next day. God has always provided for us and He always will. So we are trusting that He will soon show us a bright side, and show us where He would have us to be.
I will still remain as part-time admin. assistant for the church-- at least until July (but of course there's no plan after that yet) and Leah can continue to go to the preschool there. I have another temporary, part-time opportunity in the works. Brett has an interim worship pastor position he will be starting mid-March-- not exactly where he wants to be, but that's why we're glad it's only interim so he can continue to look. Doors are opening even while others are closing-- such are the seasons of life.
I wish I had some pictures to make this post more exciting, but Leah will not let me take her picture anymore because she wants to look at herself on the camera screen. I hope to take some 18-month pictures soon, but I will need more than 2 hands!
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