My 15 month old:
- Will finally drink milk from a sippy cup and is down to only the morning bottle. That one is soon to go, too!
- Her favorite foods are: bananas, grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni & cheese, French fries, and yogurt. She will still eat almost anything I put in front of her. She's also doing very well with a spoon now, and we're starting to work on a fork.
- Has no problems whatsoever with walking from place to place. She does try to get ahead of herself when she walks, and ends up tripping & falling flat on her face, but it usually doesn't bother her. Shortly after she figured out how to walk, she figured out how to stand without even pulling herself up on any furniture. She loves being able to keep up with the other kids in her preschool now and I love seeing her walk down the hall to music class!
- Is getting her teeth in really weird. She now has 2 new molars on top and 1 on bottom. But she skipped past the two right next to the 2 front teeth on the bottom and one on top. I'm still hoping these are what contributes to her often constant grumpiness.
- Understands a whole lot more than I sometimes give her credit for. She might not be able to say many words, but she understands what to do when I tell her to "bring me that book" or "throw that in the trash" or "Want to go outside?" (she points at the door) or "ready to eat?" and a lot of other things. I don't know why it still surprises me every time she does what I ask!
- Is most of the time very obedient. If you ask her to bring you something she has that she's not supposed to have, she will do it willingly. She of course has her ocassional temper-tantrum, but mostly she listens very well.
- Can point to her nose & her ears when asked. Doesn't so much understand where mommy's nose or ears are, though!
- Pretends to feed her baby dolls & stuffed animals with a fake bottle I gave her. She also gives them hugs & kisses (complete with kissy noises).
- Is starting to enjoy reading books much more and also sitting on people's laps. She'll pick out a book, bring it to me, and then turn herself around and plop down on my lap so I'll read it to her. It melted my heart when her book of choice the other night was her storybook Bible. I can't tell you how many times I've read her "Peekaboo Kisses"!
- Loves to dance. She holds on to her little Activity Table and bends her knees up & down, or waves her arms around. She also waves her arms around to television commercials and songs on the radio in the car.
- Also loves to be outside. Even if she's not doing anything. She likes to pick up leaves or pine needles. She likes to wander around and play with dirt. She's always so much happier after she's gotten some fresh air.
[I'm actually writing this about 3 days earlier & having it automatically post on her 15-month day since we're leaving for Texas tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving. So I will update with pictures once we get back & also her height & weight once we go to the dr. on the 3rd.]
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