This weekend I discovered another reason to love living in a larger city: The Kids Exchange. It's an event they have at the fairgrounds 2 times a year, something like a large flea market. Moms can sell any and all used kids items. It's staffed entirely by volunteers and if you volunteer to work, or if you sell things, you can shop early, but it's open to the public Fri., Sat. & Sun. Everything is categorized so there was a HUGE section for toys (maybe 20 or 30 tables full-- a whole table for just Legos, a whole table for just Barbies, a whole table for just G.I. Joe, etc.), a section for strollers, a section for books, one for bottles, and of course CLOTHES.
Each size had a row probably 50 ft. long (and that was just girls' stuff).
Brett kept Leah & I spent almost 4 hrs. (about 45 min. of which was spent waiting in line-- the place was packed!) but ended up with probably an entire fall wardrobe for her. I got 23 items (probably half of which were clothes) for $60 total. I also got a couple toys (including a tea set, some Barbies for when she gets older, and some smaller things), a pair of shoes, some tights, videos, and a decent winter jacket. Hardly anything I found was more than $4, but everything was fairly decent quality. I was so excited to be able to find such great bargains! I definately plan to go again in January!
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