* Sleeping:
- Bed time has been a dream! Even if she seems to be fairly awake, once she has her last bottle, I put her in her crib, cover her up & she turns over onto her tummy and goes right to sleep. She hasn't woken up in the middle of the night for weeks! 8:00 seems to be the perfect bed time for her to sleep in 'til 7am. Any earlier and she's up by 6:15 or 6:30.
- She's stopped napping most days at preschool. Apparently there's too much excitement going on & she just stands in her crib there & screams. But she doesn't get too grumpy, so I told her teacher not to bother with it. She usually falls asleep before we leave the parking lot at 1:45 or 2 and her afternoon naps have been between 1 1/2 to 3 hours. When she's with me all day, she naps just fine in the morning. I guess I'm boring.* Eating:
- In about 3 weeks, we're probably going to start the process of weaning from the bottle. I know this will probably result in several nights of tears & difficult bed times, but I'm prepping myself. I'd like for her to be done before she starts back to school in Sept. but I'm not going to push it. Fortunately, I don't think she's as attached to the bottle as she could be. She doesn't carry it around with her or feed herself all day long like some kids. She is down to 3 a day. She still doesn't get the sippy cup, but she is getting there. I'm considering a cold turkey type thing but don't know if I'm strong enough.
- She's becoming more picky about what she eats. I'm trying to get away from baby food & we do just one jar a day at lunch, so I'm trying to be more creative. She usually gets in a few bites here & there before she lays her head down at her high chair or starts getting bored. Everything I've read says not to push a kid to eat-- if she gets hungry enough, she'll eat. So I only offer healthy things when she does eat & she will get the nutrition she needs somehow or another. Her favorite foods seem to be a cheese sandwich, yogurt, waffles, and dried fruit. Oh, and anything she finds laying on the floor. (Don't think I haven't considered feeding her off the floor just to get her to eat!)
* Fun Facts:
- She still does her army crawl to get around, but she also can cruise. She does several laps around the coffee table every day. She constantly wants to stand or have us help her "walk" around.
Here she's wearing what I call her "big girl" pajamas (pants & a shirt)-- I think they make her look so grown up!
- She giggles a lot more than she ever has! She has her temper-tantrum moments (and she's getting more & more stubborn), but for the most part she is a very happy girl. She still babbles constantly and amuses herself easily. She doesn't say any words that make sense, but I think she is beginning to understand a lot more. She can say "ma" and "ba" and even "za" but doesn't really associate them with anything. I'm still listening!
- Her favorite toys are currently balls (she loves to shake them and then throw them until they roll under the couch where we can't get them), cups (she pretends to drink) & spoons, and anything that makes music. She also loves her stacking cups and she loves to pull books off her shelves (they have to ALL be on the floor before she's satisfied). She also loves to put things on her head. Not sure why that's so funny, but whenever I put anything on my head & let it fall off, she cackles with laughter! I still don't know why I bother buying her new toys, because the best toys aren't really toys at all!
- Here is her other new favorite toy. Elizabeth got her this pushing/ riding toy. She doesn't really know how to do it herself yet, but she loved to be pushed around outside on it. She must have thought she was so big! Every time she saw the camera she stopped to cheese!
- Her first birthday party is planned and if you're reading this, you're invited! Our house, Aug. 29th @ 4pm. Call & let me know you're coming! Does this look like the face of a kid who needs chocolate cake??