Sunday, January 18, 2009

Big Girl Foods!

We gave Leah her first shot at "solid" foods yesterday, the 17th. By solid, I mean thin rice cereal watered down with milk to a thickness only slightly thicker than what she's used to. Nonetheless, she got to sit in her "big girl" chair and eat from a spoon. She seemed really fascinated by all of it. She was very quiet, just taking in all that was going on. She did push the food out with her tongue a little but she didn't make any "yuck" faces. Some of it was definately going in (we could tell by the diaper she gave us later!), even though more probably did get on her bib & her face! Right now we will continue to do one meal a day for about a month or so. Eventually I will start adding in oatmeal cereal and then later vegetables. Her primary source of nutrition will still be breastmilk for at least another 3 or 4 months.

The 1st bite! She's not so sure...

She's starting to like it...

"What is Mommy doing to me?"
"This is fun!"
I'm not even sure what this face says.
Here are two short videos of the experience (with no sound, of course-- now that I've figured out how to do these on my camera, I'll be doing more!). Sorry, I can't figure out how to rotate them.

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