Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Shower #2

Yesterday was our second baby shower, held at our home church, Creedmoor Rd. There was a great turn-out! Everyone had been telling me for weeks how excited they were about this shower (especially all the older ladies-- there hasn't been a new baby in our church in a couple years). My mom got to come down & my brother & sister-in-law made it, also. We had great food and fellowship, and we were definately showered with gifts! This time people did much better with buying off the registry and I'd say 75% of the items we got were off our registries. I really feel much more prepared for this baby now & we only need a few more things, but really she could come any day and she'd be just fine.

We got one big gift that about 10 or so of the older ladies all pitched in together to get, and that was our travel system-- the stroller/ car seat/ carrier combo. Though I still think it is huge and will take up most of my trunk, I'm really excited about it. My sister-in-law Chela has taken a class in installing infant car seats and so she helped us install that one and the other one we got from the Pregnancy Center. I rode around a little while yesterday with the actual seat in place in my car, and oh how much more real that made it seem. Soon we will have a living breathing human being in that seat!

A pink bunny centerpiece, blocks as decorations, and a yummy cupcake tree!

My family!

33 weeks pregnant

See more pictures on our photo website!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Post About Breastfeeding

Last night, Brett & I attended a class on Breastfeeding. I thought it would be kinda weird, but actually the instructor was really fun and made everything very comfortable and very informative. (I was really excited to hear that our hospital has 14 lactation consultants on staff! 14! And one will automatically be sent to talk to us about 24 hrs. after the baby is born. And she will be all mine, to ask all the questions I might have!) Both of us, I think, feel much more informed now, and ready to conquer a task we have never attempted. I have heard so many good things about breastfeeding, there was never a question about whether that would be my chosen method of nourishment for my child. But I have also heard so many stories of people failing at it, for some reason or another. So I promised myself I would definately give it a try-- a really good try-- but I would not be hard on myself if for some reason it wasn't for me. (Granted, we have not even considered what our budget would look like if we had to fork over $70/ month for formula, but we'll cross that bridge if/when we get to it.)

After the class last night, I really feel it can be done. It will be time-consuming: newborn babies feed 8-12 times in 24 hours?!-- and most of the time, it's on their own timing, not any kind of schedule (no schedule?-- eek!). It might be painful the first few weeks. It will be trying. But I know the benefits, I know the results. (Did you know that children who are breastfed generally get higher results on IQ tests? I won't go into anymore of that. I know plenty of people have very legitimate reasons for not breastfeeding and I don't want to become any sort of psycho anti-formula advocate.) And I think the end results far outweigh any difficulties it may take to get there (which is also my current attitude towards labor & delivery of the baby). My concerns: Will I really know when the baby is hungry? Will I know when she has had enough to eat? Will I feel as if I'm constantly attached to the baby, with no time to myself? I don't really need reassurance or answers, I'm just being candid.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week 32

My new answer for anyone who asks how I'm feeling (a question I get at least 3-4 times daily) is "pregnant." Because if I wasn't sure before, I am definately pregnant now. And how do I know? Well, I can barely recognize my feet anymore. They resemble large sausages. And they are numb and tingly if I stand or walk for any amount of time longer than 5 minutes. I can no longer wear my wedding ring anymore, either-- sad. Also, the hormones. I get frustrated/ mad with the smallest of things. And can laziness be caused by hormones? I don't feel like doing anything! Baby is still very active, and I'm praying it's not an indication of what her personality will be like outside the womb!

We got to take a tour of the hospital during our class the other night, and it honestly made me more excited. I know what to expect when I get to the room to deliver. I haven't really been anxious about the whole delivery process, anyway (ignorance is bliss?), but seeing the place I will actually be in 2 months or less makes it seem so much more real, and makes me feel more prepared. And it also gave me an even higher appreciation for our hospital. The rooms all look more like hotel rooms than hospital rooms-- they have pictures on the walls and nice TV's and big bathrooms. Brett has been very attentive during the classes and insists I practice my relaxing breathing techniques every night. I think he will be a great labor coach!

We met with a Christian financial advisor the other day. He led a seminar at our church a couple years ago, and we met with him once before we were married, but never really followed through with anything. With the life changes soon to be taking place, we have a lot to think about financially: budgeting with only Brett's income and building our savings, life insurance, wills, retirement, etc.etc. It was a very encouraging meeting and I feel like our goals are all very reachable. I also feel better about finalizing the decision for me to not return to work after the baby. It was never really a question for Brett-- of course I would stay home, because who out there deserves to have the better of my baby's time? But I guess I worry more, and I like the comfortable lifestyle we've finally gained with 3 incomes. But now, now that we've examined our income vs. our needs, I know it can be done, and I know it is a decision I won't regret.
Meet my new feet!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Baby's Development: Week 31

The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy. Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn. Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and his bones are growing and hardening.

Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds.

Her brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing! She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already! Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

childbirth class

Monday night Brett & I attended our first childbirth class. It's five weeks in a row, two hrs. each night, conducted by the hospital. I had no idea what to expect, but it turned out to be very interesting. There were about 9 other couples in the class (interestingly enough, it seemed they were all middle-class white couples-- not sure if that speaks for the hospital, or the fact that the class was costly). I don't know that I learned a ton of new information, but it was nice to hear things I have been reading about from someone who has a whole lot of experience. The teacher was kind of all over the place-- even though she did cover all the topics she told us she would talk about, sometimes we weren't sure where she'd go next.

She talked about the stages of labor, the signs you are going into labor, the difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and real contractions... She had a model of the pelvic bones and a doll, with which she showed us how the baby positions herself to go through during the birth. That was especially interesting when the spinal cord broke off on accident! Brett couldn't stop laughing when we got to the part where we got to lay on the floor and practice relaxing breathing techniques, mostly because he said he felt like we were at a giant slumber party. (FYI, the class doesn't really favor one particular method, like Lamaze or Bradley or whatever. It's more or less just "knowledge is power." And anyway, Lamaze doesn't really do the "hee hee hooo" fast breathing like you see in movies anymore. Now, deep, slow breaths are recommended.)

I was surprised that we were both able to enjoy the class and gain some valuable information in order to better prepare ourselves for this baby that is coming in 2 months or less, ready or not! We are looking forward to the next class, where we get a tour of the hospital.

30 weeks-- I can stretch further than this??!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Duke Gardens (Week 30)

Brett and I had a date yesterday to the beautiful Duke Gardens in Durham, followed by pizza at the Mellow Mushroom. The rain held off until just as we sat down in the restaurant and so we were able to spend a couple hours walking around the gardens, checking out the huge variety of flowers and pretty scenery. Brett was a little camera-crazy, so be sure to check out our photo album (link on the right, in the album called "Summer 2008") for plenty more photos.
No new news on the baby front-- my regular checkup last Tuesday was just the usual-- she's still measuring just right and all is well.