My belly is also starting to get in the way now. It's harder for me to get to sleep at night (even despite the huge body pillow I got that takes over half the bed!), and other little things are more difficult, as well-- things I usually take for granted, like tying my shoes, putting on my pants, or sitting on the floor. I am learning to live life at a slower pace.
Apparently babies born at 24 weeks and beyond can survive outside the womb. This makes the birth and her arrival seem so close. Yet when I think that I still have to make it through June, July, and August to carry full term, it seems so far away! I'm still not really afraid of labor & delivery-- honestly I'm excited about the unknown, the adventure.
I do have fears, of course. I fear I won't be successful at breastfeeding. This is something about which I refuse to put a lot of pressure on myself. Of course I really want it to work (especially since we have not factored the cost of formula into our budget), but if for some reason it does not, I will not be disappointed in myself. However, I refuse to give up without a fight. I also fear that if for some reason I have to have a c-section that it will prevent me from having future babies naturally and I won't be able to have the size family we desire. I fear something may be wrong with the baby and she will take a lot more care than I am bargaining for. Of course, I know that none of these fears are too great for my God to handle, and I am trusting Him to provide me with a beautiful baby and all that's necessary to be a great mother.
24 weeks pregnant
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