Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week 24

Finally I'm feeling much more movement, and I'm starting to figure out the baby's patterns. She seems to react more to low tones, like Brett's voice, or the TV. If I'm talking or if there is no noise going on, that's when she's still. I feel her most often when I'm sitting down to watch TV at the end of the night. Brett says my voice must be comforting to her, and maybe his voice gets on her nerves? I'm pretty sure she had the hiccups the other day in church, and that was the coolest feeling!

My belly is also starting to get in the way now. It's harder for me to get to sleep at night (even despite the huge body pillow I got that takes over half the bed!), and other little things are more difficult, as well-- things I usually take for granted, like tying my shoes, putting on my pants, or sitting on the floor. I am learning to live life at a slower pace.

Apparently babies born at 24 weeks and beyond can survive outside the womb. This makes the birth and her arrival seem so close. Yet when I think that I still have to make it through June, July, and August to carry full term, it seems so far away! I'm still not really afraid of labor & delivery-- honestly I'm excited about the unknown, the adventure.

I do have fears, of course. I fear I won't be successful at breastfeeding. This is something about which I refuse to put a lot of pressure on myself. Of course I really want it to work (especially since we have not factored the cost of formula into our budget), but if for some reason it does not, I will not be disappointed in myself. However, I refuse to give up without a fight. I also fear that if for some reason I have to have a c-section that it will prevent me from having future babies naturally and I won't be able to have the size family we desire. I fear something may be wrong with the baby and she will take a lot more care than I am bargaining for. Of course, I know that none of these fears are too great for my God to handle, and I am trusting Him to provide me with a beautiful baby and all that's necessary to be a great mother.

24 weeks pregnant

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