Thursday, May 29, 2008
Week 25
Then came the real wait. Apparently the dr. I was supposed to see got caught up in a hospital visit or something & wasn't able to make it. So another of the drs. was taking his appts. plus his own. So I waited in the exam room for 30 min. Now, I don't mind waiting in the waiting area, because at least there I can watch people, or watch TV, or read a magazine. But in the exam room, there is nothing to look at, except cotton balls and medical equipment. I considered curling up on the little table and going to sleep. The dr. was very apologetic when he got there and he was also very nice. This is the 4th out of 5 drs. in the practice that I have met, and so far I have really liked all of them.
So after that long wait, all he told me was that I am measuring just perfectly, the baby has a strong heartbeat, I have gained the right amount of weight, and everything looks to be just fine. (What do you know, my daughter is an overacheiver already!) And that was it. 5 minutes. So I got out of the appt. at 10:30. After clearing up a mix-up with the financial situation, which frustrated me a little (they are showing I have a $0 balance, and yet I still owe $196, go figure). Now I have to go again in 3 weeks. And then before long, I'll have to go every 2 weeks. Only 15 weeks left-- the end is near! Oh, the test results came back normal.
We have almost finished re-painting the baby's room (and by that I mean primarily Brett, isn't he sweet?), then I'll just have to finish cleaning out all the extra junk so we can move in a crib and whatever other furniture we decide to get. We might forgo the new dresser and use the old one we have, to save money, even though I really like the one we registered for. It's coming together slowly but surely. I would love to have it all finished in the next few weeks to be ready, but even if it's not, at least we have the baby's bassinet to hold us over for awhile.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
2 years ago today...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Week 24
My belly is also starting to get in the way now. It's harder for me to get to sleep at night (even despite the huge body pillow I got that takes over half the bed!), and other little things are more difficult, as well-- things I usually take for granted, like tying my shoes, putting on my pants, or sitting on the floor. I am learning to live life at a slower pace.
Apparently babies born at 24 weeks and beyond can survive outside the womb. This makes the birth and her arrival seem so close. Yet when I think that I still have to make it through June, July, and August to carry full term, it seems so far away! I'm still not really afraid of labor & delivery-- honestly I'm excited about the unknown, the adventure.
I do have fears, of course. I fear I won't be successful at breastfeeding. This is something about which I refuse to put a lot of pressure on myself. Of course I really want it to work (especially since we have not factored the cost of formula into our budget), but if for some reason it does not, I will not be disappointed in myself. However, I refuse to give up without a fight. I also fear that if for some reason I have to have a c-section that it will prevent me from having future babies naturally and I won't be able to have the size family we desire. I fear something may be wrong with the baby and she will take a lot more care than I am bargaining for. Of course, I know that none of these fears are too great for my God to handle, and I am trusting Him to provide me with a beautiful baby and all that's necessary to be a great mother.
24 weeks pregnant
Monday, May 12, 2008
Week 22.5
I am really convinced that people should have baby showers earlier in their pregnancies, like the 5th or 6th month, when they have tons of energy to burn and overwhelming desires to organize and clean and prepare the baby's room. Or is that just me? I wish we could go ahead and get rid of the exisiting furniture in our guest room to replace it with our new furniture for the baby's nursery, but most of that furniture will not be gone until the last weekend of this month when a friend is coming to take it home with him, and we still have not saved up quite enough money for the beautiful crib and changing table we have our eyes on. And even though it's really, really tempting, I am not buying any more clothes or anything else for the baby until after our baby shower(s). I have a to-do list of things to get ready for baby, but I can't do much on it at all!
Mom visited last weekend, and she did buy us this:
So now, not only can the baby get home in her new car seat, she will also have a place to sleep when she gets there. As long as she doesn't weigh more than 15 lbs., because the bassinet will not hold any more than that. It is set up, ready and waiting for her in our bedroom as soon as she comes! And it only makes us more excited every time we see it!
My first Mother's Day was really sweet. Brett got me a nice card & some flowers and tonight-- I get a pregnancy massage and dinner at Red Lobster. How relaxed will I be?? And how great is my husband?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Baby's Development: Week 21
White blood cells are under production. Leukocytes (or white blood cells) form our body's defense sytems. They help fight infections and diseases. Your little one's skin has changed from translucent to become more opaque. Your infant's tongue is fully formed. If you were able to peek you might catch your son or daughter practicing giving you a raspberry!
If your baby is a girl, her womb and vagina are formed. Unlike males, females have a limited supply of eggs in their lifetime. At this point your daughter will have 6 million eggs. This amount decreases to approximately one million by birth. Baby swallows more this week. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. This is good practice for his digestive system! Wake and sleep periods become more consistent. Some research suggests that baby sets her internal clock to match the outside world's even before birth! Your eating and sleeping habits as well levels of light and noise serve as her signals.
Length is now measured crown to heel. Baby measures about 10.51 inches (26.7cm) and weighs nearly 12.7 ounces (360g).