Dear Abigail,
My sweet little third-born, you are such a joy to our family. Your easygoing personality and sweet smile make you so much fun to be around. You hardly ever whine or cry and you’re so easy to entertain. You have always been my best sleeper—you don’t really want me to rock you to sleep, although occasionally you’ll indulge, and I have to remind myself to hold you as long as I can because you only tolerate it a little while and you’re not going to be a baby much longer. I can put you in your crib and usually you’ll just roll over and go to sleep. Even if you cry for a minute or two, you just need a bit of down-time and you’re out for the night. You love your sleep!
You love those middle two fingers just as much and sucking them always calms you down.
What a fun stage you’re at now, Abigail! You’ve finally learned how to sit up on your own, here at the end of your ninth month, and yet you still prefer to be on your belly—it gets you places faster. And you go pretty much anywhere you want to go! You might not be super fast, dragging those knees and elbows with your belly never leaving the floor, but you are smart, and you’ve figured out how to find Mommy no matter what room I’m in! You prefer to be in the room with your big brother & sister, though, and will play happily on your own as long as they’re nearby.
You’re really working on pulling yourself up on things too! You can get onto your knees if there’s something worth seeing into, and you can stand up against things if I put you like that. What a busy girl! You are so mischievous, always picking up crumbs off the floor to put in your mouth, or messing up whatever toy Andrew is playing with, or just throwing toys all over simply to see what happens. We always call you rotten but really you’re just discovering the world and all the things you’ll soon be able to get into even more!
You finally eat some finger foods, as long as they dissolve in your mouth (because otherwise they make you choke a little) and you are not at all picky about what baby food you eat—you love it all. You still love Mommy’s milk, too, though, and I can’t get you to go much more than 4 hours between nursing, except at night. I can’t say I mind. I cherish our times together, just you and me. I love rubbing your soft little hair that sticks straight up on your head. I love looking at those deep blue eyes that everyone always comments on. You’re definitely a beautiful little princess.
I wish you would just stop growing up so fast, Little One! Don’t be in such a hurry to do all that crawling and pulling and standing. I still need you to be my little baby for awhile longer.