Christmas Eve was our church's annual Candlelight Service. There must have been more than 150 people there! The choir always sings their cantata and this year the kids joined them for a couple songs. They stole the show! They certainly have been practicing hard this year and they all sang loud & clear.
When we got home we put out cookies for Santa. We read The Night Before Christmas. We opened the last box of What God Wants for Christmas, a 7-day Advent activity we always do (hint: it's us!). And we read the Christmas story from Luke by candlelight. Andrew had a sleepover with the girls so that when they woke up in the morning, they would all be together and not be tempted to go out of the room and see all the surprises. (I think Abi was more excited about Andrew sleeping over than Santa coming!)
This little boy was so excited he slept very little all day long and ate every time he woke up and stayed up till 10pm.
We rarely put any presents under the tree until Christmas morning so it's always a huge surprise when they get up.
We got them up at 7:30, although they'd been awake maybe half an hour or so. I missed videoing their reactions, but they were priceless. They are always amazed Santa actually came.
The opening of gifts probably only took about an hour or so, and that's only because we stopped them a few times to throw away trash and get organized for more.
Abi's gift from Santa was a toy phone. A very inexpensive toy phone. But that's all she asked for. She loves them. It also came with toy keys. We also got her a saucer chair. Leah and Andrew both have one but hers' broke and she likes to have a place to sit in the playroom to watch movies. She got a toy broom (trust me, she loves to sweep and always takes my broom out), an Anna doll (from Frozen-- Leah has the Elsa one, so we wanted Abi to have her own) and some coloring books. It was so fun to see her "get" Santa this year and understand which presents were hers' and the whole concept of giving. When we asked her what she wanted from Santa, she put some thought in it and gave us 3 or 4 things. Of course, they kept changing as time went on, but still, she knew what she wanted.
Andrew's major wish was a remote control plane. We knew a) those are quite expensive, and b) they are much too hard for him to fly. But still, we wanted him to find that out for himself. So we found an inexpensive styrofoam one that is made for indoor use. It's still geared toward much older kids, but that was his only request for Santa. It turned out to work fairly well, as long as he has a little help. It seemed to work better outside, as long as there was no wind. Of course, as soon as he tried doing it on his own, he flew it into the tall grass behind our house and I had to go fish it out, but after that he hasn't tried it again without help.
He also got a huge T-Rex, some Iron Man gloves (that apparently make him actually become Iron Man), a new Bible, Matching Game, and some Blaze & the Monster Machine cars.
Leah's major request from Santa was a Magic Microphone Singing Elsa Doll. (It was actually MUCH less expensive than the huge Barbie Dream House she requested last year!) You can sing along with her a song from her favorite movie. She loves this doll and the song has become a constant background to our day! She also got a Barbie set, a Cinderella Play-Doh set, a kit to make jewelry, and pj's for her doll she got last year.
We figured this was the only year we could get away without getting much for little Jacob. So he got a bottle and couple toys and that was about all. He really could have cared less. He was still his usual happy self most of the day, and actually slept a little more than usual.
We got a couple gifts that were for everyone together. A set of blocks, and a sled (although with no snow, who knows when they'll use that!).
They each got a big box of things from Nana & Papa, which they opened all at once. Lots of little fun things to keep them entertained the rest of the day!
Brett and I were blessed to be able to give each other some great gifts this year too. I got him a new watch, a DVD, and a pair of jeans.
The rest of the day was spent playing with all our fun things. We snacked most of the day and then had a big pork roast for dinner.
This is a Pop-Up Dollhouse from Nana & Papa. It doesn't have any furniture, but they improvised with Barbie furniture & played well together!
In the afternoon, this little boy lay on his blanket downstairs surrounded by all the toys & excitement. He contentedly kicked his little legs for over an hour, so entertained by all that was going on.
We had the perfect day, together as a family. All the kids could be heard at some point saying, "This is the best Christmas ever!" Even Abi, who rarely has words to express her feelings, said, "This is so much fun." Now we get several more days off to rest and enjoy each other & our new fun stuff!