Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Newborn Photo Shoot


While Elizabeth was here, she helped to take some great newborn shots of Abigail, right in our very own living room. I wish I would have done this with Leah and Andrew, since it was so much fun and the shots are priceless. But I am so happy with how these turned out, especially considering we are not professionals. Abigail was so sweet and cooperative. She didn’t like some of the positions we tried to get her into, but she was easily consoled and slept through most of it.







I can’t believe how much I am in love with this little girl. I think being my third-born (and also probably the easiest baby yet, as far as sleeping and breastfeeding), I cherish this phase so much more than I did with both Leah and Andrew. In their newborn days, I wanted them to hurry up and learn to eat or learn to sleep better—I wanted them to grow up faster. Not so this time around. I know that this is such a short phase, and I don’t want it to end. I love snuggling up with her on my chest. I love her sweet little coos and grunts and squeaks (especially since I can’t hear them when she’s in her crib at night).




And if it’s possible, she has made me love my older two even more. Seeing them love and dote on her brings me so much joy, and though Leah’s been emotional lately and Andrew’s been sassier and moodier, I still find myself wishing I could freeze certain moments of my day and keep them like this forever. Time is going by so fast—Abigail is already 2 weeks old! I’m already starting to feel “normal” again, and so ready to return to our normal routine (although still tired and somewhat unmotivated for many things). It’s amazing how this little baby has just fit right into our lives.

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Fall Leaves & Fun Friends


This past weekend, my friend Elizabeth visited us with her two kids. She’d never been to our house before and thought Abigail’s birth would be the perfect time. We had a lot of fun! Monday was such nice weather we decided to have a picnic and play at the park. It turned into a fun fall photo shoot and we got a lot of great shots!


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Even Daddy had the day off work and got to come with us!

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Sweet little Luke loved the swing!


We attempted a shot with all the kids and this is the best we got! Poor little Abigail…



Leah loved playing Princesses with Amelia—they got along well (Andrew and Amelia maybe not so much, since they are both 2!). Amelia loved holding Abigail and did so good at it! What great big sisters!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Abigail’s First Week


Abigail’s first week home has been a whirlwind of activity, adjustments, and excitement. Mom was here most of the week, so I was spoiled with plenty of sleep and built-in entertainment for Leah & Andrew. But now she’s gone and Brett has gone back to work, so the past two days I’ve been on my own. I don’t face the days with nearly as much dread as I did when Leah or Andrew were just born, but I still see an endless string of long days with 3 kids. Thankfully, the holidays are coming up and we’ll be busy. We haven’t been out much this past week—so far I’ve braved the grocery store (with only the baby) and the doctor’s office, but I’m not yet ready to tackle our everyday activities.


Abigail really does fit right into our lives. She is such a great nurser that I don’t feel like I’m constantly feeding the baby or struggling to get the baby to eat. I don’t dread feeding time and don’t feel like I’m planning my day around her. She sleeps well during the day (a lot, actually) and rarely fusses, except when she gets her diaper changed. She does have a lot of issues with gas, and grunts and squirms to try to work out her tummy issues. I remember struggling with this issue with Andrew—his lasted for months and he didn’t even sleep through the night till he was over a year old. I am praying that doesn’t happen this time around and she works through all this quickly!


The first few nights, she only wanted to be held. She would sleep just fine, as long as someone held her. Literally the second I would put her in her crib, swing, bassinet—anywhere!—she would start crying. Then when I would go to pick her up, she would stop. Maybe it was related to her gas and tummy issues, maybe a slight case of colic (which was what the doctor suggested) or maybe just adjusting to life outside the womb. Regardless, it was exhausting. However, I did expect some of that when I signed on to have a newborn, and I don’t think it was nearly as bad as it could have been!

Then, Monday night, we put her in her crib in her own room. (I think we only used the bassinet in our room once or twice! I’ll probably use it during the day some, though, since it’s probably the quietest place to sleep.) I was a little concerned that she’s so little to be in that crib all on her own, and I worried I wouldn’t hear her, but actually it was easier for me to let her cry just a little bit before rushing to her side. I could hear her just enough to know when her cry started to get a little more distressed. And, miraculously, she slept in more than one 3-hour stretch! Last night, she slept in 2 four-hour stretches! I even got up to check on her several times to make sure she was okay. Hopefully it’s not just a growth spurt and she’s really going to continue this pattern!


Leah and Andrew haven’t yet shown many signs of jealousy, although they have both been acting a little out of sorts. The time did change this weekend and they have been up early every day, so they are tired on top of the fact that their lives have just greatly changed. Leah is very emotional about everything, and Andrew is saying “No” a lot more often. I am trying to balance patience and discipline to help them adjust to all the changes. They love to hold the baby and kiss her all over, even when she’s sound asleep! They love when she’s awake and want to play with her. They are so proud to tell other people all about their baby sister.


Abigail’s First Bath (Sponge Bath)—Nov. 3, 2012

She surprisingly didn’t scream until she started getting a little wet. After that she cried pretty much through the whole bath, but loved being held at the end!

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Abigail’s First Doctor Visit—Nov. 5, 2012

We made it out of the house on our own—me with 3 kids. It was definitely a task, especially considering for a pediatrician, the doctor’s office wasn’t very kid-friendly (meaning they didn’t have much to keep Leah & Andrew occupied while we waited & the office was so small!). Abigail has gained about 6 oz. since she was released from the hospital, back up almost to her birth weight. She is eating well! The doctor said she looks great. She seems to think the gas & colic will work itself out eventually and it’s normal for babies her age. I am so blessed to have a perfect bill of health for my sweet baby girl!

Tummy Time—Nov. 6, 2012

Yesterday I let Leah and Andrew play with her a little on her playmat. She wasn’t too thrilled about all the stimulation at first and preferred to be on her tummy. Once she got onto her tummy she was fine and tolerated it for a good ten minutes. Leah and Andrew loved the chance to bring their baby toys and play with her!

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My little Halloween baby!:


Friday, November 2, 2012

Abigail’s Birth Story


After carrying her longer than I really thought I would have to, and even going through the process of scheduling induction with my doctor, Abigail Ruth decided to come into the world just a few hours before her due date! 9:55pm on October 30th she arrived, on her own perfect time. Following my usual pattern of quick deliveries, I had arrived at the hospital at 7:30 that evening. Contractions started irregularly in the morning around 7, then moved to about every 15 minutes—still not really painful—by about 2 or 3 pm. I cleaned the house a little, did laundry, went to the grocery store, enjoyed some time with my big kids…


Brett came home from work about 3, but I still wasn’t ready to leave for the hospital yet. I knew as soon as I got there, I’d be hooked up to IV’s and wires and I really just wanted to go about things as normal to make it through the early stages of labor. Finally, around 6:30 or so, the contractions became more frequent, about 8 or 9 minutes apart. My mom was almost at the house to watch Leah & Andrew, but we went ahead and called another couple from church to come stay with them for the last hour until she got there, and we left for the hospital. Once I got there, the contractions started coming every 4 or 5 minutes, and progressed quickly. I was at 5 cm. when they first checked. I was in the triage room the first hour and a half or so, since apparently the hospital delivery rooms were full, but once I got into the room, I was almost ready to push. Dr. Mock (a young female doctor who was really nice and personable—we loved her!) broke my water and I was still around 7 cm. but already starting to feel the need to push.


It was only about 15 minutes after my water broke that I started pushing, and then it only took about 3 pushes, less than 10 minutes, before she was out. This time I requested a mirror and though I did have my eyes closed much of the time, I was able to see her head before she came out, and it motivated me to keep going. I couldn’t believe it as they placed her on my chest, so perfect and beautiful. I had a superficial tear right where I tore during the last delivery, so they had to do some stitches. She weighed 7 lbs., 14 oz.—almost 2 whole pounds bigger than Leah was! And was 21 1/2 inches long—she’s a tall girl! While still in the delivery room, I got a chance to nurse the baby. She latched right on and has had no problems with nursing at all—it is such an amazing blessing after 2 difficult-to-nurse babies!

She does have some issues with gas and discomfort, and last night, our first night home, was pretty rough. She cried a lot and only slept when she was held.  She’s slept really well through the daytime, though, so it’s just a matter of reversing her day and night. Both Leah & Andrew adjusted to that pretty quickly, as I remember, although Andrew dealt with these gas issues the first 6 months of his life. I’m hoping that won’t happen this time around, though, and her issues will soon work themselves out so we can get some sleep. She really does seem to be very laid back—it doesn’t bother her when Leah and Andrew get all up in her face, and she really only screams when she’s getting her diaper or clothes changed. She did great on the car ride home (after she got over the initial shock of being in her car seat) and adapts well to different settings.


Big brother and sister so far love their baby Abigail! Leah keeps saying how beautiful and sweet she is, and Andrew just wants to kiss her all over her face. They both argue over who gets to hold her first, and they do well when they get to sit with her in their lap. Andrew is still learning how to be gentle, and both of them are having to learn that she’s not really going to interact with them like they want her to at this point. I’m hoping their love for her continues and I am able to divide my time in such a way that they won’t get jealous.

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