10 Funny Things Leah does that make her so lovable & so much fun lately:
(This is mostly so I can remember these things when she's whining 60 million times out of the day.)
1. She has learned to say "hi." After I take a shower, I open the door to the bathroom and there she is, sitting on the floor with a big grin-- "Hi!" She will also say it to me when I pick her up from school. Many times she adds a big wave.
2. She has become very cuddly in the mornings and after her nap when she first wakes up. She'll lay on my chest for a few minutes to wake up. She's soft & cozy and fun to hug. Then when she wakes up, she's
AWAKE and starts giggling and is ready to go,go,go.
3. She thinks the craziest things are funny. She especially loves to put her finger in my mouth. (It is even funnier, though, when I pretend to be a monster and eat it.) She thinks its hilarious when I put things on my head & let them fall off. She also laughs sometimes when she's getting ready to get into something she knows she shouldn't, like the toilet paper roll. And lately it's funny to scrunch up her body at diaper-changing time so I can't pull her legs down to get the diaper on. It's frustrating but I can't help but laugh.
4. She knows the sound a dog makes, and every once in awhile, if she sees one, she says "woof." (This happens almost every time we get out of the car at home now, too, because there is a dog across the street that is constantly barking. She looks around for him saying "oof."
5. She just started calling a balloon a "bop" because I sometimes take one that we have & hit her on the head with it, saying "bop bop bop." So now that's the name of it.
6. When Daddy comes home is apparently the funnest time! If we wait outside, she starts to giggle & squeal and curl up her little body from the second she sees his car. She always starts to point at him before he even gets out of the car. The other day she even said, "Daddy!" Of course, then he picks her up & tickles her and there is much more giggling & squealing. (I'm not too offended, though, because usually after that's all over, she holds her arms up for me to pick her up & hold her. If both of us are home, she prefers me.)
7. She loves to be my "helper." She likes to "help" me: turn off the light switch, buckle her car seat (since she's in her new one now!), pick up leaves or crumbs off the floor (she looks up & hands the item to me-- at least she doesn't put them in her mouth!), "wash" the bathtub with her washcloth, unload the dishwasher (of course, I put plastic dishes where she can reach them so she doesn't break things), etc....
8. She is finally interested in books. I can give her one to look at and she will sit & flip through the pages, sometimes pointing her finger at pictures or words, and sometimes even make sounds like she's "reading." She loves to look at a book when she's riding in the car. And she'll sit still long enough before bedtime for me to read some to her.
9. She is so tender with her dolls & stuffed animals. She always picks them up & hugs them to her, patting them on the back. She will sometimes try to "feed" them with a bottle or cup.
10. When she does not want to take her nap or go to sleep, she will "rebel" by throwing things out of her crib: the pillow, the paci, the blanket, Pooh, and-- the other day, she even threw out her pants! When I went to get her, there she stood, giggling, wearing nothing but a onesie.