I had thought by the time she was 6 weeks, Leah would have some sort of daily routine. She does, somewhat, although it's not exactly the routine I would like. She is still eating every 2 or 3 hours, and rarely sleeps longer than 3 hours, even though at one point she was sleeping two 4-hour stretches at night. Here is our usual daily schedule, varying by about an hour or so:
7:30 or 8 a.m.: Wake up & eat-- Usually she's fairly alert after this feeding, although I like to try
to put her right back to bed so I can catch an extra hour of sleep. We have the rare sort of
baby that can lay in her crib awake for 20-30 minutes without fussing and just "talk" herself
to sleep. She's done this quite a bit lately!
10:30: Wake up & eat. Feedings typically take between 30-45 minutes, including a diaper
change halfway through to keep her awake.
12:00: Brett comes home for lunch-- Leah is typically in her "awake & happy" state, where she's
smiling & cooing and fun to be around
12:30: She wants to eat again. She's getting drowsy, but not really ready to sleep. If I have
plans to go somewhere, this is when I go, because she
always falls asleep in her car seat. If we
aren't going anywhere, I'll put her in her swing or on her play mat and after a few minutes
she usually drifts off.
4:00: Wake up & eat again, then another "awake & happy" state before getting drowsy
6:00: It never fails, she's ready to eat again just as we're ready for dinner!
7:30: Evenings are usually when she does her "cluster feeding"-- she'll eat only about 1.5 oz (a
typical feeding is about 3.5 oz.) and then get drowsy & fall asleep. As soon as her head hits her
bed, her eyes pop open & she wants to eat more. She'll eat more, fall asleep. Repeat the
process. Ocassionally she'll be fussy during this period (usually when I'm here by myself with
no help!) and want to be held the rest of the evening.
9:30 or 10: Her usual bedtime. This is when I put on her pajamas. Eventually we'll add in a
regular bathtime & story here, but for right now, we're working on getting her to take a full
feeding, because it seems the more she eats, the longer she sleeps. She usually falls asleep
after 2.5 oz., though, and then we go to bed shortly after she's asleep.
2:30 or 3: Usually I keep the room dark & quiet during this feeding, so she can distinguish that it
is night. Typically I don't have much trouble getting her to go back to sleep right after she
eats. The key is to put the diaper change in the middle, since it wakes her up long enough to
eat more, and then she gets sleepy again.
5:30 or 6: This is the hardest feeding for me, because I'm just so tired & I want to hit her
"Snooze" button.
I've read that by 3 months babies can typically sleep through the night. Right now that seems like a faraway dream, but I am hoping that we are establishing good habits now that will set her up to start sleeping longer. I know she
can do it, because she already has. The one thing I really want to change in her routine is getting her to eat
more at each feeding, so that she's not hungry again in an hour. I know she has a small stomach & I don't want her to get too full, but I know she is capable of holding at least 4 oz. at this point. So we will continue to work on that, and continue to maintain her routine so that before we know it, I will be sleeping more than 3 hours at a time!