The month of May ended up being a super busy one for us, full of extracurricular activities. We usually try to limit the kids to just one outside activity, but they have all shown interest in other things and these tend to be short-term so I want to give them a chance to try them.
Abi has loved her gymnastics class and can't get enough! She has gotten to try all the different types of equipment and shows no fear!
Jacob even learned to pedal a tricycle while Abi was doing gymnastics. He loved the freedom to ride all over the gym!
And of course, spring also means baseball for this 8-year-old. He's been on a team with lots of boys who have much more experience than him this year, and he's realizing how challenging the sport can be. It doesn't come easy for him and some of the boys haven't treated him great because of it, so he's learning some hard lessons that are so good for him. He still enjoys the sport, though! Their team won maybe half of the games, but at least 3 have been cancelled due to rain or wet conditions!
Andrew is also still going strong with Taekwando and I love the sport! I love that it is competitive, but only with himself. He wants to improve himself for him and no one else. I love that his classmates are generally encouraging and they usually offer positive encouragement to everyone. I love that his instructor pushes him without being rude or even seeming pushy. I love that he can get his energy out in a positive way.
On the same day as the girls' dance recital, Andrew tested for his red belt. This is one belt before black! So if he keeps it up, he will have a black belt in a year. This will be the hardest year, though. Much more is expected of him. He has to memorize about 8-10 "patterns" of kicks & punches, plus learn harder kicks. We are so proud of his dedication to this sport. Although I still think he secretly hopes to become a ninja one day.