This year it seems like we cut back on a lot of our usual Christmas "busy" ness in order to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Both Andrew and Leah have discovered the truth about Santa and that makes it easier to spend less time doing secular Christmas traditions and more time focusing on Christ. We still had a lot of fun and made a lot of memories.
We love going to get our tree the day after Thanksgiving. We have been to the same tree farm for years now. Funny story: this year we got there about an hour before they opened. When we pulled up we saw a bunch of cars, including a news truck. They let us still look at the trees, but later we found out that the governor of Vermont was there at that time picking out a tree for the State House (yes, the farm is 3 hours south of the capital-- it must be that good!). We didn't see him, but it was still exciting that we were in the same place.
We got our tree home and had our snack lunch with pizza dip and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas while we decorated.
Jacob was excited he found a stocking with his name on it. He has really gotten in to the Christmas spirit this year!
And the finished product!
Everyone got new Christmas jammies and we put them on to watch
The Polar Express with hot chocolate. (Why does it seem like many of our traditions are centered around movies? :)
Not Christmas-related, but the reason we didn't go see Santa come in to town on the 1st Saturday of December like we usually do: Andrew got his high red belt in taekwando. This is the last belt color before black, which he is on track to get this year in June!
We went with the kids from AWANA at church to go caroling at a few area nursing homes. The kids love it and I think the residents enjoy it, although we usually only stay a few minutes. At least the staff always seem very appreciative and we get lots of smiles.
We were given, as a gift, some tickets to go see the movie Frozen 2 when it came to Middlebury. Leah, especially was so excited, but everyone else was too. We even got free popcorn. It is a rare treat, since movies are so expensive! We happened to go when Santa was there, so we got a quick photo. No one was crying! They didn't really sit with him, either, but at least we saw him.
After Jacob finished his two giant bowls of popcorn, he declared, "I'm bored" and proceeded to get up and play with his toy cars. There were a few other people in the theater, but he was quiet enough and we were in the front row, so he didn't seem to bother anyone. Everyone else loved the movie-- including mom & dad!
This year we found a gingerbread kit that made an entire town. It had four smaller houses, so each of the kids could make their own. We always build them ahead of time so all they have to do is choose what candy they want to put on it. Their goal is usually to put as much candy on as they can, and then eat the rest!