He tries to be my little helper now, and pretty much goes wherever I go. He is always underfoot when I'm cooking. He can play just fine on his own until he sees me, then he needs me to pick him up.
He is always going under tables & chairs in pursuit of some crumb of food, or else a ball, and then gets stuck.
The end of July I finally saw two teeth popping in the bottom of his little mouth. He's been working on those for weeks and weeks.
The boy loves his food and is happy as long as he has something to eat. He still refuses baby food but will eat pretty much anything you put in front of him that he can stuff in his mouth. His favorites are bananas, Cheerios, Veggie straws (like Cheetos), peas & carrots, and graham crackers.
He also loves music, and if he fusses in the car, I can turn on the music to calm him down. He freezes in place if he hears singing. This xylophone is his favorite toy in the nursery, although it could just be because he likes to hit things.
He has been sleeping in his crib in his own room (with Andrew) for the past three weeks now, although it took a few nights of adjustment. He sleeps through the night most of the time, but has been getting up between 6 & 6:30 every morning. I pray this is just a phase, because that is too early for this Mommy. His brother can entertain him in his crib for a few minutes but not for long.
August 6th he said what I would consider his first words. He can say "bye-bye"!
He is a super-fast crawler now and definitely gets into trouble wherever he goes. He can't just play with one or two toys-- he has to dump baskets out and have everything all over when he plays. He gets into cabinets and drawers, and empties my plastic plates out. He gets into the trash and pulls on electrical cords. He is definitely mischievous, but oh so cute!