He is officially sleeping through the night now. He was awhile ago, but every once in awhile he would still wake up to eat. Now he goes to bed between 7 & 8 and usually isn't up until between 5:30 and 7. (Of course I would love for him to sleep in a little longer, but I'll take what I can get.) He naps sporadically, but that is only because he's the 4th child and dragged all over creation every day to his older siblings activities. He will usually take a nap about 2 hours after he wakes up, for about 45 minutes, then another longer one after lunch and then another short one around dinner time.
At last check he was 21.1 lbs. and 29 inches long-- in the 90th% for both height and weight. I'm still not sure how he is getting so big so quick. He is already in size 4 diapers (the size Abi was wearing when she was potty-trained) and some 18 month clothes.
We went back to his pediatric pulmonary specialist for a follow-up visit recently and since he's had really no change in his breathing noises-- nothing's worse, nothing's better, he didn't see a need to do a bronchoscopy or any further testing at this point. If he truly does have laryngomalecia, which is what the doctor really thinks-- that generally improves and goes away between 9-12 months. So we will re-assess at that point and decide if we need to do anything else. The breathing still seems bad to me at some times (although some times I don't notice it at all, like when he's sitting still on my lap or when he's sound asleep), and he almost always seems to have a cough, but since he's growing so well and otherwise so healthy, I'm really optimistic that he'll improve as he gets older.
He has not previously liked going outside much. He doesn't care for the cold air or wind in his face. He sucks his breath in like he's suffocating. Now that it's getting a little warmer, he will tolerate it. Maybe once summer is here and he can walk some, he will love going outside as much as the rest of his family.
Also, check out that hair. It is most definitely curly. And in a greater quantity than Andrew had at his age. And so soft to rub! We are still unsure about his eye color. It started out blue but is slowly changing to brown. Now it's stuck somewhere in between-- a combination of blue & brown.
Aside from still nursing regularly at least every 3 hours he's awake, he will also consume an entire jar of baby food at breakfast (because it's fruit and its sweet) and then about half a jar at either lunch or dinner. He's not as much of a fan of the vegetables but really he'll eat anything. He also LOVES his juice in a sippy cup. He's not really too good at it on his own yet (he can't get the part where you have to tip it up for it to come out) but he loves it to be held for him and gets really excited when he just sees his cup.
Abigail loves her little brother. Sometimes a little too much. She tries to pick him up. She rolls him over. She kisses him all over. She gives him his paci. Then she takes it away. She talks to him all the time. They are two peas in a pod. I'm not sure how he feels about her seeing as how she is usually being rough with him, but he's pretty tough and soon he will be big enough to sit on her.
He can push all the way up off the ground with both his arms and his knees, but he hasn't quite figured out how to go yet, other than backwards a little way (which frustrates him because then he can't get his toys). He can also sit up on his own fairly well, although I wouldn't just leave him sitting by himself-- he's still a little wobbly. He likes playing cars with Andrew in their room as long as I help him sit up.