He is definitely Momma's boy. Every morning when he wakes up I go to get him from his bed and he grins and starts kicking his feet. He is genuinely excited to see me. He won't even take a bottle from his Daddy right now, although he does like to play with him. He is still nursing every 3-4 hours or so, except at night when he can now go up to 8 hours or so. (Then he eats and goes back to sleep another 3 or 4 hours before he's up for the day.)
He hasn't been to his 4 month check- up yet, but the last time he was weighed, he was up to 18 1/2 lbs. That is the 95th% for his weight, and he was in the 95th% for his height. I have no idea how he's growing so fast! He is already in his 6-9 month clothes and soaring through those. He is a huge weight to carry around and doesn't even feel like a little baby. Abigail, in comparison, is only about 26 pounds at age 3. See how they're almost the same size already??
Look at those chunky little legs in that Bumbo seat. He's not a huge fan of this seat yet, because he still leans & slumps a little, but he can tolerate it a little while. Especially when he has company.
Tummy time is something else he can only tolerate a little bit at a time. He is the only baby I've had that does NOT like to be on his belly. He would rather lay on his back and kick his legs all day long. He is working really hard on rolling over from his back, but can only get onto his side so far.
He is not at all a fan of the snow. He's been in this snowsuit maybe twice for five minutes each before he breaks down. If there is even a tiny amount of wind or cold on his face, he's sucking in air like he can't breathe.
We took him a couple weeks ago to a pulmonary specialist at UVM hospital about his breathing condition. They are fairly certain it is something called laryngomalecia, which is an abnormality in the tissue that is in front of his voice box (either it is folded over or there is extra there). When he breathes, it flaps around, causing a noisy, raspy sound. If it is this, it will more than likely correct itself as he grows older. There is a slight chance it could be one of a couple other things, which can only be determined if he has a bronchoscopy, which will require him to be put to sleep for a quick scope down his throat. The doctor put him on meds for reflux, which will reduce the amount of acid he has going out of his throat (he does do a lot of choking & gagging when he eats, although he doesn't spit up much). He wants to see if this helps a little before we determine whether or not we will need the bronchoscopy, but more than likely we will do it regardless, so if there are any other issues, we can catch them and fix them early on. Seeing as how it doesn't seem to bother him and he is gaining weight well, the doctor did not seem as concerned about other issues. Hopefully in a year or two we will look back on all this as a part of the past that no longer affects him!
He's not eating solids yet, but he likes to sit straight up, so we set up his high chair so he can join us at mealtime. He still only tolerates it a few minutes, as, again, he leans and slumps, but he's getting used to it!
We also just got out the infamous Exersaucer that all the kids have loved so much. He seems to really like it. Of course, whenever he's in there he gets tons of attention from his siblings, which of course he enjoys...
He is just so much fun to be around, and his extra fat makes him squishy and cuddly. It has taken four babies to understand just how much I need to cherish these baby days, because they go by so fast. And it doesn't matter anymore if he wakes up while he's in his car seat before he can get in his crib, and it doesn't matter if one of his brother or sisters wakes him up, and it doesn't matter if he has to be held a lot-- he will still be perfectly fine. So instead of worrying so much about a schedule (which is naturally falling in to place for him, anyway, as much as that's possible), I just carry him around when I have to, and let him sleep when he is ready.
And he thinks that is hilarious!