Monday, March 30, 2015

March Events

While March wasn't the most exciting month we've had, it was still filled with fun moments and sweet memories, as are all the days with little ones.

We spent some time around the house. These guys will always be best buddies!

Abigail decided that since she is 2 she should stand on the table and announce it to the world. "I two!" she says. She keeps me the busiest out of everyone, with her constant mischief.

We made some leprechaun crafts for St. Patrick's Day, at Leah's insistence that we make some sort of craft to celebrate every occasion. 

We baked some banana bread. Andrew, especially, loves to help me in the kitchen.

And we got outside some with a few days of nicer weather. Most of the month has still been really cold, although the snow seems to have finished it's course. We had maybe only one or two days that remotely resembled "spring." And Abigail was ecstatic to finally get outside on her swing. 

And we're finishing up our last few weeks of Classical Conversations. I, personally, will be glad when it's over so I can redeem my Thursdays and no longer spend an hour every week packing and unpacking lunch boxes and backpacks. However, the kids have loved making new friends and learning new things each week. Leah continues to thrive doing homeschool work and is honestly working on a 2nd grade level in many areas. Andrew is doing some basic reading and also growing so much.