Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Big Time Sledding

This past weekend we had a chance to go to a local golf course and do some "real" sledding. The kids have only experienced sledding on our small hill in our backyard, so this was "big time." We had to walk a LONG way to get to the "best" hill (according to Dan, who had been there before and took us this time). And I had to carry Abigail most of the way, although Dan did help by pulling us a little way on the sled. We started out on this smaller hill, then kept going to the bigger one.

See how tall it is? I really didn't want to attempt to make it to the top, especially while carrying Abigail, and knowing that she does NOT like sledding (she cried when I went down the smaller hill with her). So I waited for them at the bottom. Andrew and Leah went back and forth from being scared to saying it was fun and then saying it was scary again. Today they still say it was too scary and they didn't really like it. They didn't mind the smaller of the hills, though.

Here is a video to give you an idea of just how far down this hill goes! Dan is the one that fell off at the top. The kids were fine, they just didn't know how to stop!

I did get to go down the big one, but I went on the tube and hit a giant rock on the way down, ripping a huge tear into the tube and stopping cold not even all the way at the bottom of the hill. It was pretty fun and also a rush, but it was a bummer I didn't get to go the whole way, and our big tube was no good anymore.

She did warm up to the snow a little bit and started walking around some toward the end, but mostly she wanted to be carried.

They were much happier going down with Daddy on the smaller of the hills. That was a pretty long day and lots of fun but also very tiring!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January Lately

January in Vermont so far has been downright cold, snowy, and sometimes just plain freezing. But we are managing to find fun things to fill the time and even starting to enjoy the winter weather. Here's a few things we've done so far:

Many Saturdays we take a trip to nearby Rutland to go to Walmart. Many times that means we get to eat out or have some other type of treat. This particular Saturday we enjoyed frozen yogurt at Yogurt City! (The girls chose some type of red cupcake flavored yogurt!)

We got out the balls from the ball pit Leah got on her 2nd birthday-- I don't think we've gotten them out since then! We filled up our kiddie pool for several days worth of fun in the ball pit!

Leah and Andrew are starting to really get interested in board games. We try to play when we can. They love Candy Land, Trouble, Uno, Sequence, and several others!

We went to a friend's Frozen-themed birthday party, where Andrew-- the only boy there-- won a game of musical chairs! They all got to wear Princess costumes.

Usually we go to the library once a week. We love that the kids don't have to be quiet! They have tons of ways for them to be creative. Leah and Andrew like putting on puppet shows, dressing up, coloring, and playing with the train set.

And this past Saturday, Abigail got her first real haircut. We didn't have a special place to take her, I just decided I was tired of not seeing her eyes so we took her to the local MasterCuts in the mall. Probably not the most memorable of places, but she did so great! She sat perfectly quiet and still the whole time, just watching the lady cut her hair. We didn't get much off, but got her bangs trimmed and a little off the back. She wouldn't look at me once it was all said and done so I didn't get a great "after" picture!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Abigail-isms (26 months)


I so love this toddler stage where they are constantly learning new words and how to put sentences together. They can say such funny things some times without even realizing it! I had to keep a little record of some of the funny things Abigail’s been saying lately (with some pictures thrown in for fun!).


1. She knows most animal sounds—a dog says “ruff ruff”, a kitty says “mow”, a “peep” (sheep) says “baa”. But a horse—a horse says “Yee haw!” If she sees a dog in a car (at the store or wherever), she says “out”—as if she thinks the dog wants to get out of the car (or she wants to pet it?).


2. She tends to leave off the initial sound of some words. For example, milk is “ka” and you will often find her pulling on the door of the refrigerator, demanding the “ka” come “OUT!” She also has an obsession with “pups” (cups) and digs them out of the cabinet for me to fill with “wawer” or “ka” constantly!

3. Anytime she sees something she wants to eat that she knows will be messy (typically ice cream or yogurt), she immediately asks for “bib”, even if I haven’t even told her she can actually have it!


4. Lately if I give her candy and then she comes back for more, I will tell her it’s all gone. She immediately says “E-ma?” which is her word for Grandma—I’m assuming she means Grandma should come and bring her some candy.

5. She has figured out that batteries are required to make many toys work and so often if something is broken (even if it’s not a battery-operated toy), she will ask me “ba-ries?”

6. She is still really into her baby dolls and when I ask her if she has a stinky diaper, she often says “baby,” as if it’s her doll that needs to be changed. Now lately, when she sees a picture of a baby in a book, she asks “mommy?” or “daddy?”, concerned that the baby might not actually have a mommy or a daddy. If a baby is crying when we’re out and about, she also says “mommy” because, of course, what else would a baby want if it was crying?


7. She must really love to go to the grocery store. Every time I mention we’re going, she asks “car cart?” (because typically she and Andrew sit in a shopping cart that is shaped like a race car). Immediately following is “et?” This is her word for “wet” because one time we got a car cart at the store and it was wet inside. This must have been memorable to her because now every time she assumes the car cart will be wet. Oh, and I recently discovered that any shopping cart is called a “car cart."


8. She is quick to take blame for things she sometimes hasn’t even done! Like if I say, “Ew, who is stinky?” She will quickly say “Abi!” even if it’s not her. On the other hand, she is also learning the art of tattle-tale-ing and many times if Andrew is doing something she knows he shouldn’t be doing, she will come and tell me “E-ew”, which is her word for Andrew (pronounced in 2 syllables).

9. She is very good at hiding and stays quiet in her hiding spot even if I call her name. Usually I will find her behind a door somewhere, covering her eyes (because if she can’t see me, obviously I can’t see her!), or behind a shower curtain.

10. She loves clothes and first thing in the morning before I get her out of her crib, she tries to convince me she is wet and I need to change her into another pair of pajamas. Usually she’s not wet. If she even sees me putting away clothes or getting more clothes out, it’s “Yay!” or “That!” and she immediately begins to pull her pants off. She also loves shoes and often puts Andrew’s on to walk around the house.


Abigail is by far the fiesty-ist 2-year-old I’ve had. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to tell you what that is! Her spunkiness has won over many of the people at church, who call it “character.” Gone is the shy, quiet little baby they all first met—now she’s more comfortable at church and everyone can see her true colors. She might still want me to hold her more often than not, or she might want to stick by my side around a lot of people, but it doesn’t take long for her to get warmed up. She no longer wants me to rock her or cuddle her at night-- “Bed!,” she says. She is still an amazing sleeper and takes 3 hour naps most days. But when she’s awake, she’s AWAKE and ready to play!