Friday, January 24, 2014

Art Museum Fun Day


Last Monday was a holiday for Daddy, so we had a Family Fun Day! It started on Sunday when Daddy decided he would have a campout in the kids’ room. Leah & Andrew loved it! They piled their mattresses on the floor and after they watched a movie and read stories, they talked awhile. Once they finally fell asleep, Brett snuck out but at about 3 am they both woke up crying for him. So he went back in to sleep in there again (albeit, not too comfortably, I’m sure). Abigail and I both slept in the comfort of our own beds!


Then Monday we took a trip to the NC Art Museum in our old town. For the fine arts portion of Leah’s school, she’s been studying famous artists so we thought this would be a great trip, although we knew they probably wouldn’t get much out of it at their age. When we got there I asked about kids’ activities and they had a little “tote bag” with a few things for the kids to do as they went through the museum. Some of them were a little too involved (although they did a great job of making them appealing to all ages), like a game or a book to read, but they did a good job of teaching about color, texture, and other aspects of art, and it kept the kids engaged as we went along.

We did a lot of imitating the art, pretending we were statues!


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Abigail was apparently excited, too, and dragged me along. It was a really warm(-ish) day outside so we definitely enjoyed the outside parts!


Here they were looking at an Egyptian coffin for the symbols in the pictures.


They had a Porsche exhibit going on. I thought Andrew would be more excited about cars, but he was in a little bit of a mood by this point—no nap time!


The man at the front desk told Leah to be sure she looked for the ballerina statue so she looked forward to that the whole time! It was one of her favorites.


Outside I ended up taking a few good shots of everyone enjoying the nice day. This little girl is ALMOST walking. She really wants to do it, but still gets around much faster by crawling. Still, she stood up still for most of my pictures.

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And of course we can’t forget these bigger two! We made Andrew run around to keep his mind off how tired he was getting!

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We ended the day with a trip to Cracker Barrel, always a family favorite!
