At her last check-up about 2 weeks ago, Abigail weighed 11 lbs. 10 oz. (about the 35th%) and was 23 3/4” tall (about the 75th%)—tall & skinny, just like her sister! She is still in her 0-3 month clothes all around & size 1 diapers (although we’ll soon be moving to 2’s).
For awhile she was sleeping about 12 hours a night—such a blessing! The past week or so she’s been up by 5am and although she seems active & ready for the day, I feed her and put her back down within a half hour and she’ll sleep another couple hours or so. She is starting to fall into a good sleeping pattern through the day—usually she wakes up about 8:30, then takes a short (1 hour or less) nap around 10 and then a longer nap in the afternoon around 1:30 until about 4:30 or 5, and then she’s usually down for the night by 7:30 or 8. She’s pretty fussy between about 6 and 7:30 and only wants to be held, which makes bedtime pretty tricky!
When she’s awake, she’s become much more interactive with her toys. She has discovered her hands, and can hold them together and grab onto her toys. She loves her bouncer and her playmat and happily stares at the flashing star for up to 20 minutes at a time! Of course, she always has 2 little play mates who make sure she’s always got plenty to look at and do!
Her eating schedule is still pretty sporadic and she tends to drink from one side about 10 minutes and then she’s done, but then she wants to take the other side in about an hour or right before she goes to sleep. So it’s hard to say how many feedings she has each day—usually it’s right after she wakes up & then again right before she goes to sleep.
I heard her sweet little giggle for the first time Monday, the 28th. She has started cooing and “talking” much more, but mostly only to me and only when I have her looking me directly in the eye. So Monday I was making faces at her and that’s when she started to laugh—always warms my heart to hear that cute little sound! She hasn’t really done it since then, but hopefully she will start being less serious soon! You can see in her pictures that she is very observant—she’s always looking at people and studying them.
For fun, here’s Leah @ 3 months—am I raising identical twins separated by 4 years??