This week we had VBS at church. Last year we only got to come 2 days, but this year I taught the youth class so we went every night. To say it was tiring would be an understatement. Toddlers are not meant to stay up past 8:30 at night! But I think everyone had fun and learning a lot about God’s Amazing Wonders, which was the theme this year. It was centered around planes and traveling to amazing places God created. Leah caught on to the catchy songs quickly. She was also able to memorize the week’s memory verse very easily.
Andrew was in the nursery class, separate from Leah this year. There was only one other kid his age. About halfway through each night he got really fussy and only wanted Mommy. Mostly he was tired, but it was also such a different routine from what he’s used to at church. Still, he got in some cute crafts! (The handprint plane is Leah’s but the footprint is his.)
They got their picture taken in the clouds.
Leah loved that she got to see her little girlfriends every night. These four girls are great friends at church and were inseparable this week! They are all right around the same age.
Leah’s class was the biggest of all the classes!
My class ended up being harder than I imagined. The first night I had two. It was a piece of cake. Then four 12 & 13-year-old boys showed up. They were wild & crazy the whole time, barely quieting down for a 20 minute Bible Study. Not so sure how I got stuck with middle school boys, but I am definitely not cut out for them!
At the end of the week, they got their Pilot’s License!
Friday night we do a program for the parents. Andrew got a fun headband.
And here’s all the kids that came. We had a great crowd! And there were at least 6 who accepted Christ—I’d say that is success!