Monday, May 21, 2012

Andrew @ 22 months

Andrew has reached the “Terrible Two’s” phase with a bang! At least 2 or 3 times a day he will have a drop-down knock-out full-on Temper Tantrum. Not to be calmed with a gentle voice, disciplined with a spanking, or even distracted. Most of the time in the midst of a Tantrum, you just have to let him be. Most of the time he will throw the Tantrums when he doesn’t get to do something he wanted to do or doesn’t get something he wanted, so I just make sure I don’t give in to his way and eventually we move on. And we pray this is a short phase.

He thinks it is so funny to spit with his tongue. All. boy.


Yet, in spite of the tantrums and the stubborn-ness, he can be so sweet, freely handing out kisses and cuddling at naptime and bedtime. He is so easy to put to bed and hardly ever protests. He doesn’t always sleep as long as we may like, sometimes only napping an hour or waking up at 6:30am, but he gets enough.


He is beginning to use full sentences a lot of the time: “Can I have that?” “Can I see it?” He can sing his ABC’s but is still clueless about colors and shapes. He can count to ten and sing tons of songs. (In fact, he will often sing us medleys of children’s songs, stringing them all together in a hilarious fashion.) He has a great sense of humor and keeps us on our toes.

(We recently went to an Agriculture Fair and Andrew loved the box of corn with toy tractors to play with. This kind of thing soothes him. He is easily entertained by driving around cars of all sizes and shapes.)

He knows how to run and jump and keeps up with his sister and the bigger kids at church pretty well. He has been known to say, “I not a baby, I big boy.”


Here's some videos I found-- not sure the exact dates on these, but it was sometime in the last month:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Field of Flowers


I haven’t taken any good portraits of the kids lately so today while we were outside in our yard I snapped a few. Yes, we do mow our yard on a regular basis but these wildflowers sprout up in just a day or two and we can’t get rid of them! Of course, Leah and Andrew love to pick flowers for Mommy & Daddy. The last ones were taken inside while we were working on schoolwork—I was just telling them to make different faces. Smile









