Funny things I want to remember about Leah @ this stage:
1. She is afraid of birthday cakes. Well, not the cake itself, but the blowing out of the candles-- as a result of her own birthday party experience. She watched some clips on America's Funniest Home Videos of birthdays and cowered and whined the whole time. Weird...
2. She is currently standing on the second step in our house and yelling something that sounds like "I'm stuck!" (although it comes out "I suck"). I go over there to help, and it turns out she's just tricking me with a huge grin, to get me to come flip her upside down on the steps. Who knew a 2-year-old knew how to be deceptive?
3. She loves to ROAR. "I yion, Mommy..." (I'm a lion.) She goes around roaring all the time. There is a big inflatable spider at the Food Lion where we shop. Apparently, the spider also says "Roar!" She talks about the big spider every time I tell her we're going to the store (no matter what store it is).
4. She's learned how to jump. And it is really cute. She especially loves to jump on our bed, and fall down.
5. The other day she tried to order a "juice box, please!" from the drive-through window at the
6. She has tried, more than once, to "nurse" her Elmo doll or some other doll, by lifting her shirt up and holding the doll up to her. She will tell me "Elmo eating, Mommy."
7. Sarah's dog is Sam. When Leah visits Sarah, she will occasionally help Sarah give Sam her medicine, which she takes wrapped in a slice of cheese. Now, when I give Leah a slice of cheese to eat, she holds it down, saying, "Here, Sam!" Also, whenever she packs up her purse and pretends to leave, I will ask her where she's going. 90% of the time, she says "Sarah's house."
And some not-so-funny things I love:
8. She
loves singing from the hymnal. We have family devotion most nights of the week and she just loves to help Daddy get the hymnal and always "conducts" while we sing a song. If she can get her hands on a hymnal, she loves to flip the pages and sing. Most songs have the words "Jesus," "Mommy," or "Daddy" in them.
9. Bedtime is my favorite time of day to spend with Leah. No matter how rotten or whiney she's acted all day, she is almost always sweet at bedtime, and she always looks adorable in her big girl bed. She loves to brush her teeth with her "Elmo toothbrush" and then we sit on her bed and read a book or two. Then she giggles as she lays down and then we say our prayers. Lately I ask her what she wants to pray for and she always gives a really good answer-- "church," or "Daddy safe" or "Grandma." And if I leave anything out of the prayer, she will remind me! I am so thankful for a little girl who already has an appreciation for things of the Lord.
10. She adores her baby brother. She asks about "Baby Andrew" first thing in the morning when she wakes up and any time of day when he's sleeping somewhere out of her sight. If other kids try to touch him, she stands over him and says "No!" She brings him toys to play with (even though minutes later she grabs it back, saying "No, mine!"). She now wants to "hold" him all the time, and she loves to get up in his face and kiss him.