Andrew also seems to have his days & nights mixed up. He sleeps really well during the day (even with all the noise & activity going on around him) but then at night for some reason he gets really gassy after he eats & I can't put him down without him starting to cry. So I'll get up, burp him & rock him, and as soon as I lay back down, he starts at it again. I have managed to get in at least 2 2-hour sleep periods every night, and I'm not completely exhausted during the day, but I'm still pretty tired! It helps to remember that Leah slept through the night at 11 weeks. Only 9 to go!
We are still really struggling with breastfeeding. Things seemed to be going really well. I'm not sure what happened, but he just suddenly started having trouble latching on. One night we worked with him over an hour and he still would not latch on. It was as if he just completely forgot what he was doing! So I pumped & gave him a bottle. I have since been trying at least 10 minutes or so each time I feed him to get him to latch on. If he doesn't, I try not to get frustrated and just give him a bottle. I remind myself that it worked for Leah, it can work for him, too, as much as I hate the thought of being attached to that pump for the next year of my life. And, bottles seem to make him really gassy and it ends up taking an hour or more for him to get settled. He does so much better when he will nurse.
Playtime! Leah declared this playmat "mine." Poor Andrew will have no toys of his own... She did manage to let him play some without trampling him too badly! He's still so sleepy all the time we haven't had a lot of "tummy time" or play time, but we get in about 20 or 30 minutes a day!
He sleeps so soundly in this bouncer seat! It was the best $5 I ever spent!! Of course, his sister likes it too...
The picture on the right is of Brett (on the far right) and his twin Brian (on the left). Now, try to tell me his son does not look like him!