Saturday, May 29, 2010

21 months old: My Little Talker!

At 21 months, Leah's vocabulary is increasing so much! I was just thinking today how soon she will be carrying on entire conversations, and saying words correctly-- and I will really miss the crazy way she pronounces some words now, and the way she babbles on and on about things even though I have no idea what she's saying.

- She loves to go "ow-side" and is always begging to go out. Many days she is content just to sit (she can say "I sit"-- although often it comes out like another four-letter-word that I can't repeat-- and I always try to clarify when other people are around that she is saying "sit") on the porch steps. She always points out the trucks ("dut"), and when she sees a car, she usually calls it "pee-po" (people). Other days, she wants to ride in her "seat" (stroller) around the neighborhood (I think we are looking for "fruffs"-- dogs-- because she says it the whole trip, although we rarely see one.)

- She has discovered the world of bugs. At first they were all called "bees" but now she has learned what an "ant" is and enjoys trying to pick them up off the floor. She's a little afraid of most other bugs, but just gets a little clingy until it goes away.

- We are trying to teach her some polite words-- "please" always comes out "peas" (and I'm not sure if she understands why we make her say it yet, but it is very cute when she does); she can say something that sounds like "yes, sir" and also "thank you."

- My favorite things she says are "yay!" (which she says when we arrive anywhere, even if she doesn't even know where we are) and "ew" (and socks are always "ew", even when they're clean!).

- She's starting to pick up phrases, as well. She can say, "I don't know" when asked where something is, and she can say "I want cookie (or mo' or juice or whatever)."

- Other favorite "Leah words": coffee is "foffee" (and she always tries to convince me she is drinking coffee from her cup)... all fruits are now "app-o"s (apples)... "cheese" (whenever she sees the camera)... "book" sounds like "butt"...

- She is starting to grasp the concept of letters, and the fact that letters make words. When she "reads" her books, she will point to the letters and say, "E... I... E... I..." (because apparently those are the letters she knows). Ocassionally, she will recognize some letters if we ask her-- like in the bathtub, while playing with her foam letters, I can put up 5 or 6 letters and ask her "Where's the E?" and 9 times out of 10 she can get it right. Of course, we haven't tried lower case letters, yet, and there are certain ones she's better at then others-- she almost always gets E, Y, O, A, and C.

- She really loves her books and they are almost like a security blanket for her-- she carries a certain set of thin paperback "princess" books back & forth to the car with her every time. She has to have some to look at in the car. Her current favorite bedtime reads are "Mickey Mouse and the Kitten Sitters," "The Fuzzy Duckling," a Winnie-the-Pooh book, an Elmo book, and also the "Story of Jesus" Golden Book (she can say "Jesus" and also recognize his mother as "Mary").

- She tends to get certain ideas "stuck" in her head. Like: one time she got in the bath and the water was too hot for her liking; now, every time we tell her it's time for a bath, she starts saying "hot" because she's convinced it's going to be hot. The same goes for her car seat-- every time she gets in, even on cooler days, she's convinced the seat will be "hot." She also tells me her sheets are "ew" every time she lays down because one time there was sand on them and I brushed it off for her. So I have to pretend to brush them off every time now.

- When we get home from school/ work it is her nap time-- but she is already learning how to procrastinate this. She will try any words she knows to prolong having to go to sleep-- "ti-ti?" (cookie)... "Elmo?" (watch him on TV, of course)... "ow-side?"... "Nemo?" (not sure how she got this, but it is her name for Mickey Mouse-- the star of her current favorite book)-- usually this is the only one I'll oblige, although after I've read Mickey, she will usually say "ummm..." and begin to look at the other books on her shelf as if to choose another to read.

- She will always announce to me-- very loudly-- "ah-don" (all gone) when her juice is gone, holding her cup up like a prize!

- She loves for me to sing her songs. She especially loves "The B-I-B-L-E," which she refers to as "b?" (which is way too short for me to have to sing 800 times) and the ABC song (which she does refer to as "ABC"). She also loves "The Wheels on the Bus"-- as seen in this video (although she is a bit distracted since we're outside):

She also loves "Ring Around the Rosey"-- especially the part where we get to fall down on the floor-- but if Mommy & Daddy are both home, she insists that we all have to play!

Of course the only song she actually sings herself is "Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy..." something she made up that she goes around singing, only when we are both home together.

- She tries to be such a big girl sometimes! She must have a fork (when she says this word, it also comes out like another four-letter-word I cannot repeat) with every meal and refuses help ("nononononononono"). She loves to help tie her shoes, or get mommy's shoes (handing my flip-flops up to me, which usually makes it very difficult to put them on), and helps to "wash" things with baby wipes when she spills. I'm hoping she maintains this helper attitude with her little brother!... On the other hand, she still very much wants to be the baby sometimes, saying "ho-me" ("hold me") with her little arms up in the air. It must be tough to be at her in-between stage!

She loves to find a "seat!" her size-- this was in the middle of the grocery store & she insisted that I sit down with her!

- I don't know if she's actually beginning to understand about her baby brother or not, but we can ask her, "Leah, where's Andrew?" and she will now point to my belly. (She probably thinks Andrew is my belly button's name!) We ask her, "Leah, do you want a baby in your house?" and she will always nod yes (but yes is usually her answer to every question). She does love to look at babies when she sees one in the store and will point at them, saying "baby" repeatedly.

We tried to get her to kiss the baby in my belly,
and this is what we got!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Leah's Last Day of Preschool

I'm not sure who will miss Leah's preschool days more-- me or her. This year has been so great for her-- she seems to have learned so much at school. She can tell me the names of all the kids in her class, and her teachers, and she always looks forward to going. I've loved seeing her walk past my office to go Music and say "I see Mommy! I see Mommy!" While most of the other kids in her class cry at drop-off, Leah gets down, willingly hands over her paci, and goes to play. She has learned the motions to several songs that she always wants me to sing to her at home. She keeps up with all the other kids really well on the playground, even going down the big slide by herself-- and just think: at the beginning of the year, she wasn't even walking yet!

She's very much a social butterfly and when she sees some of the older kids in the hallway, who play outside at the same time as her class, they all wave and say hello to her by name. I hate that she won't be able to have this social interaction anymore next year, but at this point there's no way we can afford to send her. Hopefully we will find plenty more opportunities for her to spend time with other kids, because she really seems to thrive on that.

Here is a picture of her class. This is actually the Tuesday/ Thursday group, but many of the kids are also "5-day" kids, like she is.

(Front row: Cameron, Adam, Hudson, Jack, Leah; Back Row: Ms. Louise w/ Layla, Charlotte, Ryan, Kaylyn, Holden, Nolan, and Ms. Jenn w/ Chloe)

They had their end-of-the-year program today. Mostly it was for the older kids, but Leah's class got to sit there on the stage and look pretty. They all did so well and it was so cute! She saw me in the audience and waved and said "Mommy!". She did some of the motions, but mostly just yawned or smiled or looked around. Here's some pictures & a couple of videos (although the videos aren't the greatest quality-- I don't have a great camera, so don't get dizzy!).

Through the Years...

Can't believe it's been 4 years of marriage!

Our first photo together, dating, 9-19-04

Our engagement, 9-17-05

Our wedding day, 5-27-06

One year anniversary, 5/07

Two year anniversary & 24 weeks pregnant w/ baby #1, 5/08

Three year anniversary + Leah, 5/09

And... four years + Leah & 29 weeks pregnant w/ baby #2- 5/15/10

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

7 Months Pregnant

Things are starting to wind down with this pregnancy-- I can almost see the end. There's only about 8 weeks left, less of course, if I go early like I did with Leah (which I'm not really feeling will happen this time-- don't know why). I'm definately to the point where I'm ready to be done, although I still feel pretty well. I'm getting up about 4-5 times a night to go to the bathroom (oh, the preparation for a newborn) and when I wake up I ache. Every once in awhile I get sharp pains in my back, which, I know, some people start their labor like that, but it's not really like that-- just a general uncomfortable feeling. My hands and feet are starting to swell some on hotter days, and it's definately not as easy to get up & down as it could be!

This baby moves way more than I remember Leah moving. I don't know if it's because he's a boy or because he's the 2nd baby. There are times when he just outright kicks, right in the ribs, and it hurts. There are other times when he just has a party in there, rolling all around (usually after I have caffeine or sugar!). Sometimes it's so much it makes me nauseous. Usually he's most active when I'm relaxing at night, just before bed, and then when I first get in bed. Lately, though, it's been an all-day thing!

We are getting there on the preparations for his room. A family in our current church generously gave us 2 sets of boy bedding they no longer needed. We really liked one of the sets and have decided to use that. We already have the quilt, sheets, bumper & even a mobile & diaper stacker. Really all I'd like to get is probably a hamper and a lamp. We bought the letters to hang his name on the wall, like Leah's-- we just have to paint them. Thankfully, the room is already a dark blue and matches his bedding set perfectly!

We recently purchased Leah a toddler bed off Craig's List for $50, so now we can get ready to make the switch. (Leah will probably do fine, but I don't know if I'm ready for her to be a big girl yet!) We plan to put all Leah's furniture into Andrew's room and get Leah a new dresser & small table w/ chairs to go with her bed in her room. Of course, this is all contingent on getting rid of all the office furniture we just cannot seem to sell-- we've had it posted on Craig's List almost 3 months now. Right now, his room has become a huge storage area, with all the clothes we've been given and it looks like this. Poor kid!

Me @ 31 weeks

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Andrew...

Dear Andrew,

It seems like we haven't spent quite as much time preparing for you as we did for your sister, and for that we apologize. I do want you to know that you will never just be second in our minds or our hearts-- you will always be equally as important and equally as special as your big sister. It is our heart's desire that you never feel as if you are being compared to her in any way-- we know you are your own unique individual, even now as you are growing in Mommy's womb. We know you will have your own characteristics and personality and that you will grow and learn at your own pace. We can't wait to see what you're like! (Also, if your activity level in the womb is any indication of your activity level once you are outside, then I'm going to start resting now!...)

Andrew, we hope you will know how much you are already loved. When your Daddy and I were married, we prayed that we would have many healthy, happy children in our home. We had no idea when you would come, what you would be like, or even what type of parents we would be-- but we already held so much love for you. We've been praying that you will grow to love Jesus even more than you love Mommy & Daddy, and that you will come to know Him at a young age. We've been praying that you will grow up with values and virtues that are pleasing to God-- pure and holy in His sight. We pray for your future spouse, that you will become a little gentleman and treat her as a bride of Christ.

Mommy & Daddy aren't the only ones who love you, either-- you are so blessed to have two sets of grandparents, all sorts of aunts & uncles, and 4 boy cousins! Even people who don't even know Mommy & Daddy that well have already shown their love by giving you clothes and other baby things you'll need! And your big sister may not quite understand right now about who you are or what you'll be in relationship to her, but we tell her about you all the time, and we teach her how to be gentle and loving toward babies-- our prayer is that one day the two of you will be very best friends, or at the very least, have a great amount of respect for each other.

So, little boy, we can't wait to meet you (of course, you can take your time & finish growing & developing in there for now) and learn all about you! We know that you will be a perfect addition to our little family and hope that you will feel as loved and welcomed as you truly are!

Love, Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

This is the only photo I could get of me & my drama queen on Mother's Day. In true toddler form, after church she preferred to run around rather than stay still to get her picture taken. At least we got a good family shot!

Mother's day was pretty good, but rather uneventful this year. Brett didn't have any church activities other than Sunday morning, so we went out for lunch, then came home & relaxed some. A couple at church gave us a bunch of "stuff" for the baby, including a bedding set. It is very similar to the one we'd picked out, a sports theme, only with blues instead of browns. So we took a trip to Babies 'R Us to see if they had the set there (they don't, but they do have some other items that will go well with it-- like a lamp, wall decor, etc.-- really we won't need much else!). Brett put up a birdhouse that he'd bought me, so Leah & I can watch the bluebirds out our kitchen window. Saturday Brett & his friend Steve installed our new dishwasher-- our old one broke over 2 months ago & we've had to wash dishes by hand for awhile-- this might have been one of the best gifts I could have gotten!

I took Leah Saturday to the NC State Arboretum, which is apparently the place to go for professional-looking photos. There are some great photo places-- of course Leah would much rather do anything but stop & take pictures so I didn't get many great posed shots, but I hope to go back again soon (maybe when it's not so hot!) with Brett to get some more family shots. Here are a few of my favorites from the day:

And of course, the best part about our new dishwasher for Leah was the box! She is having a blast in her new "house" (which she calls it), complete with a door & 2 windows. She has carried all her books & toys in there, and every so often insists that Mommy or Daddy join her inside her house. (Of course Mommy & Daddy don't fit quite as well!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pool Fun

Hooray for hot summer days, even at the beginning of May! We got Leah's new inflatable pool out on the back porch this past weekend. It's like bathtime fun outside (only she doesn't have to get her hair washed)-- all kinds of fun!