- Leah thinks yogurt should be a part of every meal. She begins asking for it ("a-ga!") when she first wakes up and doesn't stop until she gets some. However, if I'm lucky, I can pass off applesauce as yogurt, and sometimes other snacks will also temporarily distract her (especially "ti-ti"-- cookies, which can be anything round & sweet). She has gotten very picky with food and it is a struggle to get her to eat almost anything now.
- For some reason, when Leah wants to color, draw, or type, she calls it "E-I." Apparently those are the only letters of the alphabet that she has picked up, so anything involved letters is "E-I." She is really getting more and more interested in coloring lately and will use a variety of colors in her scribbles. She also loves to play on the computer keyboard.
- She is really into saying "hi" and "bye" lately. She will say hi to random strangers at the grocery store (unless of course they say hi to her first-- then she is silent). She says "bye" to Brett every day when he leaves for work. She will put her diaper bag over her shoulder and walk around saying "bye" to me as if she's leaving. Here's a video where she can be seen first of all trying to turn on the TV, and then "packing" the remote, her cup and 2 pacifiers into a box and declaring "bye." (Sorry, it might make you a little dizzy at the beginning. She loves the camera too much!)
- She loves to put on her jacket ("die"-- don't know where that one came from) and has almost figured out how to get it off herself. When its' time to go, she will wait at the coat closet for me to get it out for her and say "die" until we put it on. She also loves her socks & shoes and will "help" to put them on as best as she can!
- She loves to "roar." She has a book called "Roar" with a lion that is one of her current favorites. She will also go into our room in the morning if Brett is sleeping and wake him up by yelling "roar!"
- She loves animals and is getting really good at recognizing them. This is her favorite puzzle. She can usually point to any animal when I name it, and knows almost all of their sounds (with the exception of the horse and sometimes the pig). When she finishes the puzzle, by the way, she exclaims, "Yay!!" and claps, very proud of herself.
- She covers her eyes when she wants to "hide" from someone. And when playing peekaboo, she usually hides and says "Ya-ya" (her name for herself) loudly, as if we are supposed to be finding "Leah!"
- She apparently is learning motions to some songs in preschool, and imitates a few of them if I sing the song to her. Right now all she knows is "If you're happy and you know it" (she puts her fingers on her cheeks at the part that goes "and your face will surely show it" & it is very cute!) and "Jesus Loves Me" (she puts her hands across her chest, like the word "love"). I love that she is picking up things at school!
- She likes "dubbas" (bubbles) in her "bap" (bath).
- She really doesn't play with many toys, but rather finds her own things to play with. She especially loves books, though, and is almost always perfectly content to sit down and be read to (unless she is feeling more independent & then she would rather sit & read herself). She is picky about her books, too-- they cannot have a lot of words, they usually have to have either a) an animal; b) a Sesame Street character; or c) babies. She may make exceptions for pop-up books or books that have things to touch or do. She always has to have a book when she's in her car seat, and usually insists on carrying one around.
- The kid is in love with apple juice. She must have it first thing when she wakes up in the morning ("juice," said with a pouty face) & from her nap. She will sit & drink an entire cup and then promptly announce "mo'." I have to water it down or should would have teeth full of sugar.
- She still loves Elmo and will actually sit and watch his cartoon for up to 30 minutes sometimes. I hate to use the TV as a babysitter, but sometimes I've gotta get dinner cooked.... [Insert whiny-faced Leah here]
- She is very much going through a "mommy-only" separation anxiety phase. She doesn't mind being left at school-- she never cries, but she hates staying with Daddy when I have to leave to go work at night or just go out of the house. She gets over it, of course, and has fun, but she always pitches a fit, and it's not easy on her Daddy. I'm hoping this is a quick phase!
- And for fun, a picture of her baby brother growing inside Mommy's belly (at the end of the 5th month, week 23). I am working very hard on getting her to say "brother" or "baby" or anything! We read her a book about a little girl getting a baby brother. We talk to her about a new baby coming to her house. So far she doesn't get it. We will get there...