- Is sleeping from about 7:30-8pm until about 6-6:30am. When she wakes up, she is AWAKE, and ready to goooooo, but she has trouble making it until 2:00, after school when she can take her nap. She is grumpy for her teachers most of the day. I would love for her to sleep in a little longer.
- Still has the morning "ba-ba"-- and can now say the name of the bottle, so I'm guessing I've just made it harder on myself waiting this long. Typically this is the most milk she gets in her all day, so that is why I still let her have it. She will drink milk from a cup, but prefers "juice." She has about 3 cups of watered-down juice a day, usually sitting down & drinking the whole cup at one time, and then asking for more! She doesn't usually drink much with her meals, though.
- Favorite foods include: bananas, graham crackers, yogurt, chicken nuggets, cheese, and anything mommy or daddy have. She is able to eat applesauce & other "messier" things with a spoon on her own now, and actually won't even let us feed her with a spoon anymore if she's in her high chair. She has also reached the toddler stage where, one day she loves a food, and the next day she won't touch it!
- Is saying even more words. Sometimes she'll carry on entire conversations (that no one understands), complete with facial expressions & gestures. Most of the time she is able to communicate to me what she wants (and if she doesn't get that, everyone better watch out!) somehow or another.
- Figured out how to climb stairs. But she has to have something at the top worth crawling towards. And she gets too scared to come back down. So I'm not too worried about her coming downstairs from her bedroom. But we're putting the gate up just in case!
I have already reached the 2nd trimester in my pregnancy-- it seems to be going by so fast! I don't really have anymore sickness, and I'm really not even craving anything. I just like to eat A LOT! I can't believe I've already got a little belly, and people are starting to notice!
As a perk of volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, I got a free bonus ultrasound the other night-- the sonographer didn't have any clients so she offered to just take a look! And we got some great pictures. The baby was so active. He (I will refer to him as "he" just because it is easier) was sucking his thumb, kicking his legs, waving, and flipping back & forth. He looked straight at us one or two times. She did try to see the gender, but he wasn't that cooperative. We have an appt. at the doctor for the "big" gender-revealing ultrasound on February 16th.