- Has only 5 oz. of milk in a bottle now, first thing in the morning. Really I am just too lazy to get her to give it up-- it's convinient when she's so hungry when she wakes up. The dr. said as long as she isn't carrying it around all day, it's fine to wait. I know it won't be a big problem to get rid of it. She loves to have milk or juice in her cup now.
- Still does really well sleeping through the night, until about 6:30am (but usually that's not predictable). She wakes up in the morning talking to herself, full of energy. She's done really well with naps, lately, too. I can tell when she's getting really tired, take her to her room & hold her for a minute or two & then just put her down and she almost never cries.
- Says words for "eat (and this one we hear a lot!)," "more," "baby," "milk" (sounds a lot like "more," though), "fruff (dog)," "daddy" (although this sometimes refers to her paci), "mama," "hi," "outside" (sounds sort of like "socks"), "keys," "teeth," "shoes," and seems to be learning more every day!
- Can find even the tiniest picture of a "fruff" or a "baby" and will be sure she tells me, or whoever is around, repeatedly that she sees one.
- Can point to most of her major body parts, including hair, toes, and fingers.
- Loves to kiss things. Especially Elmo & any dog or cat. When Brett leaves for work, she goes to the door & starts making kissing noises.
- Also loves to feed things-- and people. Even if they can't actually eat, like her Elmo doll.
- Likes to "help" do chores around the house. She unloads the silverware from the dishwasher one by one. (Of course it takes forever that way but she always looks so proud to be able to help!) She brings your shoes or coat if you ask. She pretends to vacuum with her new rolling push toy (even though she is scared of the real vacuum).
- Shakes her head yes in response to questions you ask her. I'm not sure if she actually knows she is agreeing to what I'm saying or not (because she never says no), but many times I think she really does understand.
- Is definately getting some more teeth in, as evidenced by the gnawing of her paci on her back gums. She almost has a mouth full now! She is also obsessed with brushing her teeth. Anytime she sees us brushing our teeth, or even just sees her toothbrush, she says "teeth" and wants to chew on the brush. Of course, I help her out after she tries herself.
- Has her own way of making sure you know what she wants. And will let you know if you get it wrong. She is a typical girl-- everything has to be exactly the way she wants it, or else someone's going to pay!