Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Letter to My 14 Month Old


I can't believe how quickly time is flying, now that you're past those newborn days. I can hardly believe you're taking steps on your own-- testing out your independence, but still falling down every few steps as if you're not quite sure you're ready for that! It's funny how excited you get when you realize you're walking without holding on to anything. You're a bundle of energy these days, waking up at 6am, ready to face the day, only stopping an hour or so for your afternoon nap. I would never have imagined you'd get into some of the things you're getting into now: trash cans, toilets, dirty clothes hampers... You always have to have something in your hands, even if it's just a tiny sticker. But you try to be such a good helper, too-- helping me turn off light switches, put clothes in the hamper, close doors... You really want to put on your own clothes, eat with a spoon, and do all sorts of things you see mommy and daddy do-- sometimes they're just too hard, but you never give up trying!

You are definately Mommy's girl. Your separation anxiety phase has officially begun and it breaks my heart to hear you cry every time I leave you with someone else. It breaks Daddy's heart, too, because even though you squeal & giggle when I just mention he's home (and even though the only word you seem to know is "daddy"), you don't want to be left with him unless I'm there too. (Of course, you always have fun together, it's just that initial getting-used-to-being-without-mommy shock.) You love to give hugs & slobbery wet kisses, but only for a second before you're off & running again. You play just fine on your own for awhile, as long as mommy's there and you can get my attention every so often. You want to feed yourself, but you also still want that bottle for your milk.

This phase-- this struggle between baby-hood and independence-- reminds me how a lot of grown-ups are with Christ's love-- we struggle for just the right amount of independence, wanting to grow in our relationship with Christ but still wanting to remain a baby, because it's so comfortable. It's something you'll face your entire life, little girl, but always remember that your mommy and daddy are here to help you grow to spiritual maturity and also to learn how to become an independent person.

You have such a love for life, Leah-- the funniest things make you laugh, like dropping things onto your head from way up high, peekaboo, tickling under your arms, jumping in your crib, and anything in the bathtub. You love to be outside, to play in the leaves, to see animals, and you love to dance and hear music. I look forward every day to seeing everything you'll learn, to seeing what will make you giggle. You remind me to stop and laugh every once in awhile, even if you don't feel well, or have had a rough day. You remind me to soak up life, because it is fleeting. You remind me that there are no worries that can't be handled with a little hug and some quiet time with Daddy.

Don't grow up too fast, little one! But know that as you do grow, Mommy & Daddy will be there by your side, capturing every moment.

Love, Mommy

Friday, October 23, 2009

More Fall Fun!

Today I took Leah to the NC State Fair. We are so lucky to have it so closeby. Brett didn't really care to go that much so we decided to go early in the morning to avoid the crowds. Everything we really wanted to do was open then, anyway. I had no idea Leah would like it as much as she did! From the minute we set foot on the fairgrounds, she seemed to be in awe. She giggled some even before we got to anything exciting.

She loved being around all the people, seeing all the different sites. But she especially loved the animals! We saw a lot of different kinds-- she seemed to especially love the cows, though. I wish I could have captured her expression when she looked at them, but it was hard to get on film. She just stared at them, sometimes pointing, sometimes trying to get a closer look. She even got to pet a baby chick in one area. It was hard to get a lot of good pictures by myself, but I did my best.
Leah's other favorite part was probably Huggies' toddler area. They had a soft area set up with a ball pit & a tunnel for little ones to climb around in. The best part for me was that they even had workers there to play with the kids, so I got to sit back & relax and Leah got to get out of her stroller to crawl around. Isn't it ironic that her favorite thing was the ball pit and we have one of those at home!! And of course, no trip to the fair is complete without something fried. She enjoyed a few French fries while we watched a clown. She had so much fun, she was asleep in her stroller before we even got to the parking lot. (Of course, that meant she didn't sleep once we got home, but she was in such a good mood the rest of the day, I didn't mind!)

When we got home, I couldn't resist the huge pile of leaves in our yard. Isn't it a rite of passage for kids to jump in leaves? Of course, I wouldn't exactly say Leah "jumped" but she really did think the leaves were funny! You can see more of these pictures on the website.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Look, Ma, No Hands!

My attempts at capturing Leah walking:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

10 Funny Things

10 Funny Things Leah does that make her so lovable & so much fun lately:
(This is mostly so I can remember these things when she's whining 60 million times out of the day.)

1. She has learned to say "hi." After I take a shower, I open the door to the bathroom and there she is, sitting on the floor with a big grin-- "Hi!" She will also say it to me when I pick her up from school. Many times she adds a big wave.

2. She has become very cuddly in the mornings and after her nap when she first wakes up. She'll lay on my chest for a few minutes to wake up. She's soft & cozy and fun to hug. Then when she wakes up, she's AWAKE and starts giggling and is ready to go,go,go.

3. She thinks the craziest things are funny. She especially loves to put her finger in my mouth. (It is even funnier, though, when I pretend to be a monster and eat it.) She thinks its hilarious when I put things on my head & let them fall off. She also laughs sometimes when she's getting ready to get into something she knows she shouldn't, like the toilet paper roll. And lately it's funny to scrunch up her body at diaper-changing time so I can't pull her legs down to get the diaper on. It's frustrating but I can't help but laugh.

4. She knows the sound a dog makes, and every once in awhile, if she sees one, she says "woof." (This happens almost every time we get out of the car at home now, too, because there is a dog across the street that is constantly barking. She looks around for him saying "oof."

5. She just started calling a balloon a "bop" because I sometimes take one that we have & hit her on the head with it, saying "bop bop bop." So now that's the name of it.

6. When Daddy comes home is apparently the funnest time! If we wait outside, she starts to giggle & squeal and curl up her little body from the second she sees his car. She always starts to point at him before he even gets out of the car. The other day she even said, "Daddy!" Of course, then he picks her up & tickles her and there is much more giggling & squealing. (I'm not too offended, though, because usually after that's all over, she holds her arms up for me to pick her up & hold her. If both of us are home, she prefers me.)

7. She loves to be my "helper." She likes to "help" me: turn off the light switch, buckle her car seat (since she's in her new one now!), pick up leaves or crumbs off the floor (she looks up & hands the item to me-- at least she doesn't put them in her mouth!), "wash" the bathtub with her washcloth, unload the dishwasher (of course, I put plastic dishes where she can reach them so she doesn't break things), etc....

8. She is finally interested in books. I can give her one to look at and she will sit & flip through the pages, sometimes pointing her finger at pictures or words, and sometimes even make sounds like she's "reading." She loves to look at a book when she's riding in the car. And she'll sit still long enough before bedtime for me to read some to her.

9. She is so tender with her dolls & stuffed animals. She always picks them up & hugs them to her, patting them on the back. She will sometimes try to "feed" them with a bottle or cup.

10. When she does not want to take her nap or go to sleep, she will "rebel" by throwing things out of her crib: the pillow, the paci, the blanket, Pooh, and-- the other day, she even threw out her pants! When I went to get her, there she stood, giggling, wearing nothing but a onesie.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

My big girl in her jeans & hoodie and the big girl car seat.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Fun

Saturday we went to Green Acres Farm in Cary. Leah got to play in the pumpkin patch, ride a hayride, sit in a backhoe and a tractor, "bounce" in a bounce house just her size, and have all sorts of fall family fun!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Steps

She's taking steps! Yesterday Brett was holding her very lightly by the arms and when he let go, she walked 2 or 3 steps toward me. She giggled and thought she'd done the best thing ever! She's done it a couple more times but still isn't really stepping out on her own. I have the feeling once she sees that she can get into SO much more trouble, she won't want to stop!! I'll take video as soon as I can.