Saturday, February 28, 2009

6 months old

My 6-month old:

* Measurements- She now weighs 14 lbs. 9 oz. and is 25 3/4 in. long (seems like a huge increase in height, but not weight, although I can feel that weight increase when I carry her!). She wears 3-6 month sized clothing (and probably will for at least another month) and size 2 diapers.

* Sleeping- While she was sick she got into the habit of waking up at 2am, then for a few days it was 4 am, now it's more like 5 or 6. (I honestly prefer the 4 am over the 5 because at least then I can get a few more hours of sleep.) I try to let her "cry it out" but after 20 minutes, I figure, I'm awake anyway, I might as well get up. And it seems like she's genuinely hungry (esp. considering she gulps down her bottle), so I have a hard time with just letting her be. So my tactic now is to work on getting her to eat more during the day so she'll sleep longer and not get hungry at night.

- There's also a morning nap, which almost always lasts 45 min., but the time that nap starts is very unpredictable, as she tends to get fussy about 30 min. to an hour ahead of it, and fights sleep equally as long. I can, however, almost always count on her falling asleep on our way home from work, around 2, and staying asleep between 1-3 hours. (Even if she doesn't fall asleep in the car, she's still easy to go down for her afternoon nap, and also for bedtime.) If her afternoon nap is shorter, she may catnap again before bed (sometimes even long enough to where we have to wake her up to get in her last bottle).

* Eating- She is much better at taking her bottles. She likes to play and move so much that she doesn't want to take the time to eat until she's absolutely starving. So then she'll whine a little to let us know she's hungry and then she'll gulp down her entire bottle. She usually takes about 5 or 6 6-oz. bottles every day. And she can hold her bottle by herself now! She's still not quite gotten down holding it up high enough for the milk to come out, but she's so close.

- We started the solids again and she seems to be doing much better, even though she still doesn't really get excited about it, and loses interest after only a minute or two. She usually takes about 1 Tbls. of cereal, and then I'll try to mix in some sort of vegetable-- we've started carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans, and most recently, bananas. She seems to like the sweet potatoes best so far. She did get the sniffles a little after the carrots, but I'm not sure if it was an allergy or if it was leftovers from the cold she had.

* Discoveries- She loves her feet. She knows how to pull her socks off with her hands. It definately makes for interesting diaper changes.

* Personality- Leah is very mischievous. We have already begun the chasing and she isn't even crawling yet! She is close to crawling-- she lifts her butt off the ground and inches around, but hasn't been able to coordinate it with the arms yet. She finds ways to get around & get what she wants. Here you see her under the coffee table. And then under the couch. She has perfected the look that says, "What? I'm not doing anything!"

Oh, man, is she getting big so quickly! Already the newborn days seem so far behind us as Leah grows in leaps & bounds every day. I remember feeling as if my life would never return to normal. Now, my definition of normal has just adjusted to include this beautiful crazy little girl who is always keeping me on my toes! Half a year old already....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Personality Predictions

Leah is already developing her own little personality. If her personality now is any prediction of what she'll be like when she's older, here is what I think:

- She will be very outgoing. She will be the type who loves to be around other people. And will always be talking!

- She will be somewhat bossy, perhaps even whiny if she doesn't get her way. (As is typical of most "oldest" children.)

- She will be very curious, very adventurous, not afraid to try new things. (Except maybe when it comes to food. In that area, she'll probably just eat because it's something she has to do.)

- She will be high-energy, always on the go.

- She will probably not be a girly-girl. Right now she could care less about dresses, pulling them up to her mouth. Then again, she might be the type of girl who wears dresses to go play kickball outside. (I think Mom & Dad have a home video reminiscent of this?)

- She will be fiercely independent-- rather learn things on her own, the hard way, than to have someone else do them for her.

And now... you tell me who you think she looks more like?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Spring in February

We took advantage of the really nice weather this past weekend & Leah got to "play" outside. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take some fun photos! Can you believe just two weeks ago we were playing in the snow?!

Hmmm... I wonder if everyone else knows how cute I am?

Excuse me? I'm playing here.

Yay! Camera cord! Way more fun than outside!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's that time of year....

Leah's first day of "school" Jan. 27th (She is going to the nursery in the church on Tues. & Thurs. while I work... it is from 9:30-1:30 & she is right down the hall from me!)....

... led to her first sickness the following week.... Can't keep away those germs!

Besides causing her to wake up at 2:30am the past 3 nights, it's given her the sniffles & a cough. But she's still smiling through it all. Nothing gets this kid down.

Even though she was nice enough to share it with her mommy & daddy, it didn't deter us from having a romantic date night, sort of an early Valentine's Day at the restaurant we went to on the night we got engaged. Brett's friend Steve & his wife kept Leah for the night so we had the house to ourselves. It was a great getaway! It was our first night away from Leah & it wasn't as hard as I'd thought. Even when she's not around, I still wake up at 2:30. This time I was just able to go right back to sleep. And I got to sleep in! I was glad to see her the next day, though. She'd done okay, but Steve said he'd rock her & slept in the chair with her from 2-5 am.

Leah's other great accomplishments this past week or two:
- She's found her feet. She now knows how to take her own socks off.
- She has her own version of "waving." It's more like reaching out to touch things, but missing, so it looks sort of like she's directing a choir. :)
- She can shake her rattle vigorously back & forth. I think she's figured out that she can make that noise, and now she likes it! She "beats" her bottle too, hitting it with her hand in rhythm.
- She is getting more difficult to put to bed at night because she has too much fun playing.