* Measurements- She's up to 9 lbs. 10 oz. She can finally wear most 0-3 month sized clothing, though she still wears a lot of newborn stuff.
* Eating- We are now thinking it is because she is incredibly social that her eating/ sleeping patterns have gone awry. The past week she is only sleeping 2 or 3 hour stretches, if that, and is up 3 times a night. When she eats, she only takes about 1- 1.5 oz. before she either a) is ready to play; or b) falls asleep and is no longer interested. Then in another hour or so, she's ready to eat again. She acts ravenously hungry but will only eat another ounce before getting bored again. Up to this point I have been "demand-feeding," i.e., feeding whenever she is hungry, but I am thinking now I might start trying to get her on a schedule. The dr. even mentioned it is worth a shot. It may take some tears on her part, but I think if I only feed her every 3-4 hours, she will eventually learn to eat more at each feeding. I'm also going to try keeping all her feedings quiet, as the TV might be too distracting for her.
* Personality- She is incredibly social. Even the doctor said she seems to be much more engaged than most babies her age. I have started taking a mom & baby exercise class at the hospital. The past two classes she lays on the mat and just smiles and "laughs" the entire hour. (I like to believe the cooing and huge open-mouthed smile she has is laughing; Brett, however, is skeptical.) I make faces at her and she gets a huge grin that fills her entire face. She can do this up to 3 hours a day! She especially seems to like looking at her daddy-- maybe its the facial hair, or maybe she gets bored with me.
- She seems to enjoy being naked, as long as she is not cold. Is this bad for her future?
- She did great with her two-month shots today. She cried while she was getting them, of course, but once she had a bottle in her mouth, she was fine and went back to her usual happy self. She's sleeping peacefully now, two hours after the fact. We will see how she feels tomorrow.
- I am beginning to fall more & more in love with her every day. The smiles and "giggles" make all the sleepless nights worthwhile, and I am learning to see each day with her as a blessing, because she is growing so quickly and I only have her a short while.
She is actually about 2 inches longer than @ 1 month!